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6 Differences Between Girls And Women
Women not girls rule my world
I said they rule my world
Act your age, mama (not your shoe size)
--"Kiss" by Prince
Let's have some fun today. How about we delve into an area where even angels fear to tread?
Let's talk about the practical differences between "girls" and "women".
Now, one of the things you'll notice is that I rarely refer to eligible members of the female gender whom we'd like to have non-platonic relations with as "girls".
Never mind the legal differentiation (which is important) or even that grown-up female human beings generally prefer to be called "women".
Like Prince, I just happen to greatly prefer women over girls. That may be all I have in common with that guy...but I digress.
Deep down, I'd be willing to wager that most of the rest of you agree that women RULE compared to girls.
Make no mistake about it. You may like younger women--a lot-- but you still want a woman.
No doubt, the younger they are the more difficult it is to find the true women in the bunch.
But if you find, say, a 23-year-old who is all woman all the time, then more power to you (and to her as well).
Okay, okay. So what exactly am I talking about here? What are the defining characteristics of a REAL woman compared to a girl?
Well, here are six solid ones, just off the top of my head:
1) How They're Built Physically
Some of you are going to argue with me on this one, but so be it.
In my mind, there's a big difference between how a real, mature woman's body is put together as opposed to a younger woman who's still getting there--or maybe never will.
Rest assured I'm talking about the difference between an 18-year-old and a 25-year-old here.
To be completely honest, there are plenty of older women who are still built like girls, but VERY few girls who are built like WOMEN.
I distinctly remember one time when I was in about tenth grade our family went to a pizza joint. Clearly, whoever was the hiring manager there made sure to hire mostly sexually attractive women.
Our waitress was a curvy, voluptuous and athletic vixen with long black hair and even longer legs.
When I finally couldn't restrain myself from making an offhand remark about how particularly hot she was, my Dad responded with lightning speed.
"Well, you'll need to wait a few years until you can handle one like that."
Indeed. That was a real woman, thorough and through. I was yet a boy.
Meanwhile, back at school I remember exactly ONE girl who was actually built like a real woman by age 17. And no kidding, I graduated in a class of about 350. Yes, she was something else, and all of us knew it.
In my adult life I've since encountered my fair share of women who were fully built, and I do have to say that it's true that no mere "boys" need apply.
2) Flakiness
Want to rid yourself of the frustrating tendency of younger women to break dates on short notice, if not haul off and stand you up completely?
If so, the solution is simple. Start going out with WOMEN instead of GIRLS.
Women who understand that game playing is for children are precisely the ones who'll do what they say they'll do.
For better or worse, that means that if they're interested in actually going out with you they'll say so.
And if they're not, they'll also say so.
Problem solved.
3) Idealism vs. Realism
For most of us, male or female, our childhood fantasies are rather idealistic ones.
For women, that means they want to keep themselves pure and "Disney princess-like" until they meet their "prince charming".
This means that they can also put up some wholly realistic expectations regarding what their dating lives should be like and what kinds of guys their daddies would approve of.
Inevitably, however, life bites back a bit as we go around the block a few times.
Real women have seen their fair share of triumph as well as disappointment, and with that experience comes wisdom.
That wisdom allows them to see the world a way that honors the true "big four" men out there while granting them the grace to be human every once in a while.
I love that about real women.
4) Sexual Boldness
Once a woman has had at least a few sexual experiences, she's altogether more likely to know exactly what she wants and how to get it.
Sure, it's probable that she'll still not wear her sexuality on her sleeve, but once she meets the right man who knows what he wants she's FAR more likely to help him get it.
Real, mature women don't play "hard to get" meaninglessly and they most certainly don't wimp out when it's time to throw down.
She's not a virgin anymore, and therefore she's not quite as protective about being "pristine" as she was as a girl.
5) Pretentious vs. Down-To-Earth
If her head remains in the clouds about most everything in this life, she's still a little girl.
A real woman has long since discovered that being shallow isn't all that fulfilling in the long run.
She knows that it's much better to find a man of real substance whom she can genuinely relate to as an adult human being than to simply bilk some poor sod for all the "stuff" she can get out of him.
Reading between the lines, you can quickly determine that if you're used to dating women who just want you to spend money on them and give them free dinners, then you've been dating little girls.
It's time to step up and meet some real women.
6) Self-Absorption
A hallmark of immaturity on the part of both girls and boys is extreme selfishness.
When a younger member of the female gender is all about herself, there's not much room for you to get much out of any relationship you have with her.
Obviously, this is the diametric opposite of deserving what you want.
A real woman knows how powerful it can be to satisfy a man at every level, and as such she realizes that GIVING and SHARING at a variety of levels is the path to getting exactly what SHE wants as well.
It's quite simply a more efficient way to have a more wonderful relationship than any self-serving little girl can possibly understand.
Give her a few years and a number of failed relationships to finally "get it". But she'll most likely come around eventually.
Let me guess. Some of you found yourself thinking, "Wait a minute. I know 40-year-old women who fit the 'girl' description. Are you sure about this stuff?"
You bet I'm sure. This discussion is not a referendum on chronological age, but rather on maturity level.
You could kind of make the point that some women never grow up, just like some men don't.
Yes, there are middle-aged boys out there just like there are 40-year-old little girls.
Perhaps they deserve each other, although I shudder to think how such a relationship would turn out.
My recommendation has always been and always will be to associate yourself with WOMEN, and then only high-quality ones with hearts of gold.
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