Granted, some women are going to be "easier" when they're under the influence of a few adult beverages.
But going about things like that is for rookies. Seriously.
Show me a guy who tries to get his dates plastered, and I'll show you a guy who lacks confidence that he can attract them naturally.
Indeed, when you're a "Big Four" man, making women horny for you is relatively effortless. And what's more, you're just not so in a hurry to force the issue--literally or figuratively.
So, do some women "loosen up" when you add alcohol? I'm not going to deny it. That can be true.
But then again, they can also become belligerent and throw up all over you.
Chances are, even if sex happens, it's not going to be the lurid, sheet-ripping kind that you were hoping for. She might fall asleep and start snoring in the middle of it.
No matter what, if you're goal is to get a women drunk on dates, you're not "keeping it real". You're not getting to know the real her.
Now, that said I'm no Pollyanna. I realize that some women are going to get drunk in your presence. Sometimes it's futile to try and stop them.
And even if your stated goals for time spent with her were different in focus, you're still going to have to be on point. You'll have to know how to handle the situation like a man.
That's what this newsletter is for. So let's get on with it.
First of all, you've got to be observant. Keep an inventory of how much she's consuming.
Some women can throw down an amazing number of drinks before it affects them, but those women are the exception rather than the norm (and you should think long and hard about a relationship with a woman like that).
Generally speaking, women will tend to fib a little with regard to how much alcohol they can take before it hits them like a ton of bricks.
That can only mean that when you see the slightest sign that she's getting "tipsy", it's time to subtly remove the booze from the equation.
If you're home, that's easy--unless she filches another belt of the stuff when you're not paying attention.
If you're at a bar or restaurant, clue the waitstaff in that it's time for her to stop. A great strategy is to let them play "bad cop" on your behalf. Reassure them that you're the one who'll be leaving the tip, if that helps.
If you're at her place, you may have to be a bit more direct in suggesting she quit drinking.
In addition to the simple fact that you care about her well-being, another reason you're putting the kibosh on the slosh at the "tipsy" stage is because most women are still pretty fun and giggly at that point.
If she keeps drinking, though, bad things are likely to happen. She could barf everywhere and/or completely pass out--which can be dangerous.
Assuming you still have a "tipsy" chick on your hands, you've actually got a great opportunity to observe more than just her alcohol intake.
Since people tend to lose inhibition when they drink, pay attention to how she acts and what she says. You'll "get inside her mind" in a way you may not have been able to otherwise.
Her "true colors" just might bust out in all directions.
I've personally discovered wild adventurous streaks, "hidden" smoking habits and even latent racism in women I was with after they'd had a few.
And, of course, you're VERY likely to find out exactly what she thinks of you. If she's hot for you, you're fixin' to find out.
At this point I want to remind you that it's still a BAD PLAN to "take advantage of her" sexually.
Provide and protect in the moment, and believe me it'll pay big dividends later.
I mean, if you're in for a "one-night stand", then getting her drunk may work out for you...I long as you're not date raping her.
But let me be quick to remind you I'm not the one-night stand dating coach.
I'm here to propel you to success with women who are worth seeing again, and having sex with again.
So to that end, if you find a woman has unfortunately gotten farther along down the "tipsy" trail than she intended, you're going to have to act...preferably like a man instead of a seventh grader.
First of all, if she's too drunk don't push the envelope as far as the date itself goes. Consider the festivities over.
Take her to her place or yours, making the appropriate judgment call based on the circumstances.
ASK HER if she thinks she's about to get sick. If not, get her something to eat that's not loaded down with grease--especially if she's put a few drinks away in rapid succession.
But if she's indeed feeling queasy, clear the deck and make sure she's got a clean restroom nearby for that purpose.
Don't hedge your bets, or else someone's going to end up humiliated...and the other one's going to have a hefty dry cleaning bill.
If you're still out somewhere, inform someone female who works there (or who is extremely friendly and giving) of what's going on and ask her if she'll accompany your girl to the ladies' room.
Then, if she emerges from the lav having tossed her cookies for real, it's of critical importance that you not overreact. Downplay the event, because she is going to be nothing short of mortified.
In her mind she will be sure you're never going to speak to her again. Even if that's likely to be true, man-up and do what's right for this woman who is under your care for the evening (and yes, that's the case).
Stay cool and casual, and help her get cleaned up, wherever you are. If she needs to wash up, get her a towel.
If the two of you are at your place, you can even let her use your shower. She probably won't be in the mood to have you join her, so for now don't push it.
Now, if she ends up actually passing out, you've got to pick her up and place her somewhere comfortable...on her side, in case she yaks.
Monitor her breathing very carefully. If you think even for a second she's not doing well, call that ambulance. Don't play games.
Whatever you do, don't ever let a drunk woman drive. Take her wherever she needs to be, unless of course you're too wasted to drive either. Get a cab or call one of HER friends.
Obviously, don't try to undress her or (God forbid) diddle her while she's unconscious. That will NEVER, EVER end well, but I feel as if I have to state that disclaimer, even if it should be obvious.
Ultimately, any mature, rational man knows that he's better off with a sober chick who's hot for him than a drunken mess-- notwithstanding the interesting opportunity to find out how she REALLY feels about things, I suppose.
But if you're ever confronted with taking care of a woman who's three sheets to the wind, at the very least you'll now be more prepared than ever.
By the way, if you end up at your place make sure those "three sheets" are CLEAN sheets.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!