Basically, they've decided that every one of them has a lousy personality. They're cold and distant at best, or downright gnarly at worst.
On top of all else, such guys may even have pronounced the entire lot of beautiful, sexy women out there as perpetually (and terminally) flaky.
It just seems like every time they set up a date with one, she cancels at the eleventh hour.
Frustrating stuff, for sure.
But as for any other scenario in our lives where "everyone else" seems to act, seem or be a certain way there's a particular truth that applies. It's not always so nice to hear, but knowing it can change your life for the better.
That truth is this: Whenever there is a clear "pattern" to how you are being treated by others, you've got to look in the mirror.
Show me a man who believes that "all" beautiful women are cold, distant, gnarly or flaky and I'll show you a guy who is stuck in the "second tier".
The good news is that being in the "second tier" beats being flat-out undesirable to women, and therefore never even getting a a long shot.
But it's still a bummer to be there, no doubt.
So what's the "second tier"?
It's actually very simple.
Despite what you may have always assumed about women either deciding to go out with a guy or not right when he asks her out, sometimes they're really on the fence about it.
Granted, if women are invariably uninterested in hanging out with you--and are rude about it--you absolutely, positively have some soul-searching to do. There's a certain way you're leading all those women to treat you.
But what if she actually agrees to go out with you, but isn't exactly "Princess Charming" in the process?
And what if all women seem to flake out on you at the last minute?
Well, here's what's probably going on...and the cure for it.
She probably finds you attractive enough to be potentially interesting. She may even legitimately WANT to hang out with you. might not have made her feel completely comfortable in your presence yet. Comfortable enough to risk hanging out with you, yes...but not enough for her to completely open up to you. may not have demonstrated enough masculinity, confidence and/or character for her to place you atop what may be a considerable list of options available to her.
Remember always: He OR she who has options in his or her dating life is a chooser rather than a chaser.
Now granted, character is going to be a high priority to a woman of considerable quality, and that takes some time for her to gauge.
It doesn't have to take forever though, and here's a hint: The first order of business on your side is to demonstrate that you're looking for the same.
You do that by being a chooser yourself. You reserve your own right to evaluate, and therefore to choose.
No matter what, though, whether you are right there with her in "evaluation mode" or busy trying to "escalate" by being a chaser, if you're in the "second tier" what she's doing is her own version of what I call "charm throttling".
You'll recall that "charm throttling" is essentially the concept of holding back some of the shock and awe of your most attractive self, mostly because women have a tendency to fall for you more quickly than it takes you to make a firm decision about whether to go exclusive with them or not.
Bingo. Highly desirable women have the same problem, often on steroids.
These are NOT women who are upset because their boyfriends hang out for two or three years and still won't put a ring on their finger.
Rather, these are women who typically can't get past the second date without a guy professing his undying love and devotion to her.
That gets a little monotonous, and it certainly doesn't leave any time for her to find out much about the guy before things get out of hand on his side.
So here's the shocking part: These very same women who you may observe to be cold, emotionless or dare I say even disinterested may actually be fantastic women underneath their "charm throttled" exterior.
And how about the women I affectionately refer to as "poker faces"?
You know...the ones who give you no signals at all? Often times, what I'm describing here is exactly what's going on with them also.
Now here's an interesting twist.
I find that younger women often haven't really figured out how to deal with guys they've placed in the "second tier" as well as more mature women.
A younger woman is more likely to play "games" as a way of showing that she isn't really sold on a guy just yet.
She knows she needs to keep guys she's evaluating at arm's length, so to speak, but her toolkit is generally limited to turning off the charm completely, canceling dates and/or even being a little bit snippy or impatient.
Meanwhile, women who have a bit more life experience tend to be a bit friendlier about putting guys in the "second tier" and have long since found ways to keep guys there without sacrificing their own character so much.
For example, women who have experienced motherhood have this uncanny way of playing more of the "mom" persona than the "lover" persona when around guys they are undecided about.
Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But it's true. If you find yourself on a date with a woman who still seems to be in "mommy mode" rather than "milf mode", remember this newsletter. You'll know it when you see it.
She's feminine, for sure, but somehow kind of "sexless" in an odd yet still mildly intriguing sort of way.
An even better description would be that she acts female, but holds that part of femininity that's directly responsible for igniting masculinity in reserve.
Well, at least she didn't flake on you. You have that in your favor...I guess.
So enough, already. How do you get out of the "second tier" and take your rightful place at the top?
First of all, you've got to stop focusing on trying to get what you want all the time.
If, on the other hand, you represent to her what she wants in a man she'd LOVE a relationship with, you'll bypass all of the artificial obstacles FAR more quickly.
Remember also that how effective you are at making a woman feel safe and comfortable with you has everything to do with how compelled she's going to be to "charm throttle" you.
The better you are at understanding a woman's best interests and communicating to her that you "get it", the better off you'll be at avoiding the "second tier"...always.
But be careful here. When a highly desirable woman bumps you up to the "first tier", that's usually serious business. That's reserved for an elite few. She may waste no time in falling for YOU quickly.
That, however, is what I'd call a "high quality problem".
Two footnotes here in closing.
First, it's indeed very true that even though a woman may have put you in the "second tier" she could still have either a black heart OR a heart of gold under there.
So make no mistake about it. If a woman's holding back on you, that's when you especially shouldn't be shelling out for expensive dinners at Ruth's Chris or taking her on "shopping dates".
(Not that there's ever a good excuse to take a woman on a "shopping date". Please...)
Second, don't ever confuse her willingness to have sex with you as having been moved up into the "first tier". That often is utterly beside the point.
Some women are all about having their sexual needs met, and your sexual attractiveness might be all it takes for her to indulge.
But she still might not be all that crazy about the idea of keeping you around long-term. And that means she's not exactly ready for you to fall in love with her.
So having read this, you may or may not even be interested in ascending to the "first tier" with women after all, right?
Sometimes it may actually be to your advantage for women to take their sweet time with you even as you take your time with them.
But my gut instinct is that I'd rather be the one with my hand on the "charm throttle".
And I never think it's a good idea to be kicked to the "second tier" for the reason of having come off as a "pushy salesperson" or seeming potentially dangerous in some way.
Nevertheless, how you proceed with regard to the rest of what we've covered here is your call. At least you now know WHY desirable women tend to do what they do.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!