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One Simple Truth Will Do Wonders For Your Sexual Confidence




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  • One Simple Truth Will Do Wonders For Your Sexual Confidence

    I'm hearing from a ton of you guys who are about to give up on the idea of attracting a woman who really turns you on.

    You're thinking about settling.

    Some of you are even scribbling notes to me that you're resigned to "dying alone" or even "dying a virgin".

    Not so fast. Let's "86" the melodramatics for once and cut to the chase.

    Au contraire, mon frère. You can and should get the women you want so badly.

    And I can prove it to you...quickly and easily.


    Okay. Here's the straight-up truth of the matter. The simple fact that you are here fogging a mirror and consuming part of the world's supply of Cheetos means something profound.

    And no, I'm not referring to there being slightly fewer Cheetos for everyone else.

    What I am referring to is that your own father not only had sex with a real, live woman, he reproduced and his family name lived on.

    And your grandfather did likewise.

    So did his father, and so on and so on...all the way through the Dark Ages, the Bronze Age and the Ice Age back to the caveman days... even back to Adam and Eve if you'll venture to measure that far.

    So now it's your turn. And yes, it's that uncomplicated.

    Countless generations of males in your family successfully mated with women who were at least hot enough to give them a hard on and make them blow a load.

    I'd dare say it was more than one "load" each, too, in order to make the magic happen. Women just don't tend to get pregnant so easily and go full-term in the real world, especially the prehistoric one.

    And to be sure, we're talking about an uninterrupted sequence of males who have successfully had sex with women for the last 10,000 years, at least. you really think there's something so different and unfortunate about you that you were born to break that winning streak?

    Stop flattering yourself. You have everything within you to attract the type of women you were literally born to be with.

    Hey, I'm really sorry if you've bought into the "it's not your fault" marketing tactics found elsewhere, but hang with me here.

    The way I see it, if the "success with women" problem is yours then it's within your power to solve it.

    That should be an immense relief to you.

    "But Scot, the 21st century has brought with it too many challenges."

    "But Scot, it's not like we're paired with some girl by our parents at age 12 automatically anymore. It's different nowadays...we've got to go find a 'willing' woman ourselves."

    "But Scot, we've got a 'global village' nowadays. These women can choose from any guy in the world."

    My answer to each of those objections is the same: Every new challenge has brought with it a new convenience to match. And all of us as guys are in this together.

    The "global village", for example, is your place of residence as much as it is any other man's...or woman's, for that matter.

    Will you position yourself to attract women, or will you let your excuses govern your choices?

    For the past several summers I've had the pleasure of roadtripping through the western United States with my "tribe". We've visited all of the major National Parks in the process, most of them in the middle of freaking nowhere.

    At most of the parks we've happened across female rangers who were plenty cute and very sweet. Most of you wouldn't have minded going out on a date or two with them, at the very least.

    I mean, you should have seen all three of the cuties working the front desk at Wrangell-St. Elias NP's visitor center. Look that one up if you haven't heard of it. It's about as remote as it gets.

    But you'll likely never meet any of these women. Nor will any other guy, probably.

    They were all clearly dateless, mostly because of the lifestyle they had freely chosen.

    They were literally out in the middle of the wilderness--miles and miles from the nearest town of 1000 people or more.

    How will things end up for them ultimately? I have no idea. But I do know this--were they in a major city like New York or Cincinnati they'd have guys beating down their door.

    Back in the mid-'90s I actually took the test to be a United States Border Patrol Agent. I passed with flying colors. I was hounded with calls by the hiring officers because my test scores were excellent.

    But I had found out through the grapevine that newbies without seniority were sent to the absolute "boonies" along the U.S./Mexico border.

    I instinctively knew that I enjoyed the company of women too much to take a job like that.

    So what about you? Are you making decisions in this life that increase your probability of meeting hot, sexy women? Or are you--consciously or subconsciously--actually sabotaging your manifest destiny as passed along by your ancestors?

    Your family name itself depends on how you answer that question, and that's no exaggeration (unless you live in Iceland).

    What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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