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#1 Reason Why We're Our Own Worst Enemy When It Comes To Women




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  • #1 Reason Why We're Our Own Worst Enemy When It Comes To Women

    Some guys are more comfortable without women in their lives than they are with doing something about it.

    Psychologists would probably call that "fear of success", but I have a different term for it. I just can't decide whether to choose "laziness" or "delusion".

    "If I don't have a Harley, tons of tattoos and a diamond earring of less than 2 carats, I'll get ZERO women in this city."

    "I'm 6'4" and women say they have to strain their necks to talk to me. If I'd only stopped growing sometime sooner."

    "Every man in this town graduated from Harvard or MIT, and I only went to Boston College."

    Now, having read those three examples I exhort you to spare those rotten tomatoes you're fixin' to throw at the computer screen.

    Believe me, I fully realize that some of you wish you had the money to laser off those ill-advised tats you're afraid a decent woman is going to notice.

    And for every guy who thinks he's "too tall", there's at least one who thinks he's "too short".

    And I know plenty of guys in general didn't go to college at all, let alone a perfectly good one like Boston College.

    The bottom line is that a shocking number of us as guys seem to be looking for an excuse to give up in frustration.

    That excuse can be anything, really, as long as it's something we can readily own personally...and blame ourselves accordingly.

    Just to make my point, what if I told you that there are actually guys out there who think their MIT degree is what's keeping them from success with women?

    It's as if whatever we are is what we perceive women not to want.

    Guys come to me all the time with, "I'm X, Y, and Z [i.e. all things that they cannot change], Can you help me?"

    No, I can't.

    That's because in order for you (or any other guy) to do better with women, you've got to take personal ownership over your track to success instead of finding excuses to continue along the road to failure.

    I realize that involves a bit of effort, although it may be less than you think if you'd only go for it.

    It also involves leaving your "familiarity zone", if only for the interim.

    Nevertheless, it's a common theme for guys to seek shelter behind what they can't change so that they can be lazy or feel sorry for themselves. After all, since their "deficiencies" are plainly evident, they can use them as irrefutable excuses.

    And if on the odd chance one of their blessed excuses is refuted by pure logic, then another must be contrived in haste to replace it.

    Meanwhile, that doesn't change the simple reality that tons of guys just like them end up with great women.

    Tall or short, rich or poor, Ivy-League educated or really doesn't matter.

    Yes, those women have individual tastes, just like we as guys have. But rest completely assured that what they really want is a man who does the best with what he's got rather than "Mr. Perfect".

    If for some reason you continue to doubt that, just look around. You'll see guys all around you who could theoretically share your "limiting belief" of choice, and they're with some fantastic women.

    What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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