Some of you are 18 years old and just getting started with all of this. Meanwhile, the oldest guy I've heard from is 88, and yes he's out there meeting women.
This makes it somewhat difficult for me to write about "age gap" related stuff while keeping it relevant to most of you.
Today's topic is exceptional, though. It's about WHY younger women tend to go for older guys.
But YES...if you're only in your late teens or early-to-mid- twenties this will STILL prove immensely valuable to you.
After all, if you could somehow bottle up what you're about to hear and take a big swig of it, you'd probably get ALL the women your age (or any age, for that matter).
That's because it's not AGE per se that attracts younger women to older guys. Rather, it's what they bring to the table that most younger guys CAN'T.
If you represent the seven factors below effectively, women will be more than happy to date a guy their own problem.
So with that, here's the "magic list":
1) They at least have a plan for doing something with their lives.
By now you know that AMBITION makes women hot. Unfortunately, most younger guys haven't really sorted out their identity, let alone where they're headed in this life.
Once we as guys hit around twenty-eight or thirty years of age however, something crazy tends to happen. We start thinking more about our life purpose and how to get on with getting the job done.
This is exactly what builds that all-important sense of security in a woman. Note that you don't exactly have to have arrived at massive career success just yet, you just need to have a firm plan and be on-track with it.
2) They stop overreacting emotionally when something pisses them off.
Younger guys tend to fly off the handle and lose their cool WAY sooner than older guys do.
Sure, there are plenty of guys in their 30's and older who still throw temper tantrums. But let's face it, they're pathetic.
They're NOT the older guys who attract younger women.
If you can't control your own emotions, you won't be seen as a "protector" by women. They won't be sexually attracted to you...period.
3) They don't get rattled by little problems.
Did you know that MTV reports a shocking drop-off in viewership at around age 35?
There's a reason for this. Whereas MTV's wildly popular "reality shows" might have been intriguing in the past, something clicks in the more mature mind.
Suddenly watching a bunch of twenty-somethings create huge "drama" out of the minutiae of daily life becomes a real eye-roller.
That's because when we mature, we realize that it's a useless waste of energy to care so much whether so-and-so is flirting with so-and-so or not. And if someone wants the last Dr. Pepper in the fridge, we can get worries.
Women are magnetically drawn to guys who don't sweat the small stuff. It's confidence inspiring, and that's irresistibly sexy to them.
4) They do what they say they'll do.
I've heard time and again from older guys who are frustrated by how "flaky" younger women are. It can seem more likely than not that they'll agree to dates and never show up.
Guess what? That problem is NOT gender specific...and it's not very masculine, either.
5) They take personal responsibility for their actions, their decisions and yes...themselves.
Being a "blamer" is a sign of immaturity. Every man who has ever made something of himself in this life has gotten over any natural tendency to point the finger.
Nobody is EVER going to be more interested in your success than YOU are, so the earlier you take the bull by the proverbial horns and stop being a "slacker", the better.
And by "better", I mean for your professional life AND your love life.
If you aren't in college or are going to college locally make it your goal to have your own place and do your own laundry by the time your 21st birthday rolls around, at least.
If you're away at college, don't dare go home to live with Mommy and Daddy after you graduate. Buck up and make your own way as a real man.
6) They stop making knucklehead decisions that hurt themselves and others.
Most young guys "live in the moment" without thinking about future consequences.
As painful a truth as it is, the ability to make skillful life decisions (aka "wisdom") is typically acquired over LOTS of time and after LOTS of painful trial and error.
But there's just no doubt about it. Women LOVE a man who has things handled and who chooses the right path more often than not.
Averting disaster = being an effective protector
This formula is especially true because young women are equally myopic about the future as young guys are. The difference is that young women really like having a mature guy come along who knows how to lead, and they joyfully let him do so.
7) They're less self-absorbed.
More mature guys consider how words and actions affect those around them rather than living in their own little world.
Shortsighted selfishness is the realm of the immature. In fact, it's a dead giveaway.
And how do women view this? Let's just say it's hard to be one half of a great relationship when the world revolves around oneself to the exclusion of everyone else.
To be honest, it's hard to even make a woman feel horny toward you if it's unclear whether or not you have her best interests at heart.
So there you have it, plain and simple.
If you're older, you'd better get these right if you want to succeed with ANY women, actually...let alone younger ones.
But if you master them, you'll watch your fortunes with women of ANY age skyrocket.
And if you're younger, get this list down and you'll be a RARE individual in a sea of immature fartknockers.
How killer will it be to get rid of any chance you have of losing the women you want to an older guy?