They think I'm stark raving nuts to even suggest otherwise.
I couldn't help but turn my thoughts toward wondering how in the world a man could become SO convinced that he could NEVER have any power when it comes to women.
The only answer I could come up with is that he has been CHASING women for so blasted long (read: all his life) that it's all he knows.
He's doing what he's always done, and he keeps getting what he's always gotten.
Therefore, the notion of women having all the power has become an ABSOLUTE in his mind.
Remember, women are hard-wired to follow a man's lead, so for as long as he continues to LEAD in the way he always has women will continue to be repulsed by it.
Here's why.
The bottom line is that women WILL NOT respect a man who cannot be a provider or a protector.
By now you know that doesn't necessarily mean he has to be a millionaire built like an NFL linebacker.
A man who gets the job done here provides by having an answer and a plan for whatever comes up. He protects by facing challenges with courage and executing rather than running away.
In other words, he wields the POWER of his masculinity.
So here it is: If you automatically cede ALL POWER to women by default, then you've basically led from the start with a loud.
I mean, since you're assuming she has all the power does that mean SHE'S supposed to provide for YOU and protect YOU?
Let's just say that's about as likely a scenario in the female mind as her making you pregnant and having babies for her.
It's just bass-ackwards at every level.
Seriously, it should be nothing short of plainly obvious that no man who believes women have all the power will EVER, EVER attract any of them.
In order for a woman to get hot and bothered in a sexually polarized way for any man, he's got to be MASCULINE.
That means he's got to at least have enough personal power to make her feel safe and comfortable in his presence.
Okay, here endeth my rant on this subject.
If you're already a man who's a chooser rather than a chaser, I trust you'll take this as a "pep talk" and leave here with an even stronger understanding of why women tend to love you.
If, on the other hand, you still think I've got rocks in my head I'll just leave you with one final thought.
Invariably, every guy who thinks women have all the power is NOT succeeding with them. Have you ever noticed that?
If that happens to describe you, do you really think that continuing to believe that way is ever going to START working in your favor?
Truly, any man who wants to succeed with women (as in EVER) has got to take his power back. It's the very nature of what drives sexual attraction.
There's really no other option when you think about it.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!