But I do get asked a lot about what it takes to actually get into the position of giving a girl a massage to begin with.
That's a good, fair question to ask, I'd say.
What you're looking for, then, is a signal from a girl that she is sort of fantasizing about you touching her.
I know that sounds pretty random. As if women really do that sort of thing, right?
Well, they do. It's just that they're not going to haul off and say what they want in so many words.
Okay, so here are four signs that you might miss if you're not paying attention. All of them are pretty much a "green light" to starting the whole process I teach in Massage Your Date:
1) She Acts Like Her Muscles Are Tense, Hurting, Etc.
Watch and see if a girl ever starts stretching her shoulders or back in front of you, maybe even with a look on her face that demos she's feeling a bit tight.
She probably wants you to acknowledge it, maybe because she craves attention from you.
Whatever the case, it's a great time to casually mention that you know how to rub out that tension for her.
2) She Actually Rubs Her Shoulders Herself
Beyond stretching and the like, sometimes a woman will start rubbing her own shoulders.
In extreme examples, she may even try to reach a spot she knows she can't, actually HOPING you'll suggest taking care of it for her.
Yeah, this is pretty blatant, right? Yet I can't believe how many guys would just stand there watching while it all happens, never saying anything at all.
3) She Talks About How "Stiff" Or "Sore" She Is
Where there's pain, there's a desire to get rid of it.
This one is fairly easy. YOU be the one who volunteers to give her a shoulder and or back massage. Don't be at all surprised when she takes you up on your offer immediately.
4) She Mentions What A "Hard Day" She's Having
Man, this is the one that guys totally miss out on.
I guess that's because when you and I have had a rough day the first thing with think of is a cold beer.
But let me tell you, when a girl has had a hard day there's nothing that's going to sound better to her than you giving her a massage.
You can offer to rub her shoulders, or if you're feeling particularly bold that day you can suggest giving her a full massage.
So there you go. Four signs that a girl is ready for you to give her a massage. You've got a good mix there of verbal and non-verbal signals, right?
Whenever you see what I'm talking about, be sure not to back down. Step up and give her what she's hinting at, or else she'll just be disappointed.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!