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  • Asking Women To Hang Out With You Sometime

    Asking Women To Hang Out With You Sometime

    No doubt, you definitely don't want to use that infamous "D" word when talking to a woman about potentially meeting up with her face-to-face for the first time.

    The idea of "dating" sounds WAY to formal, and pre-loads the time you'll spend with her with unnecessary pressure.

    So then, as you may know already I've always favored the suggestion, "let's make plans" instead as a powerful three-word phrase to convey to a woman that you'd like to
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  • Stopping Supermodels On The Street...Making Out In Under A Minute

    Stopping Supermodels On The Street...Making Out In Under A Minute

    Being a perfectly normal guy, I'm going to openly admit to something. See if you're with me on this.

    I have no patience for learning "fundamentals".

    Never mind that Tim Duncan is arguably the best power forward in the history of the NBA, all because he's a master of the basics.

    Sure, you'll see him bank a shot off the glass 25 times for every slam dunk.

    But because that's not exactly what thrills the audience, you'll almost never see
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  • Women At Their Most Beautiful

    Women At Their Most Beautiful

    Here's the question du jour, mon frere:

    When is a woman at her MOST beautiful?

    If you're a red-blooded, perfectly normal man your knee-jerk answer may have been something to the effect of, "when she's naked in my bed."

    If your answer involved a more explicit sexual act, I can't really fault you for that either.

    And I'm not going to argue with you.

    But you see, those realizations come to you without my having to write you
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  • Top 10 Examples Of Bad Dating Advice From Miserable People

    I've got a "top ten" list of examples of the kind of negative advice you may have received in the past from "poverty" types.

    Remember, this sort of admonition can be delivered with a smile. At times, someone may actually even think he or she is giving good advice, having grown so accustomed to the comfort of not having to succeed.

    So in the end, you and only you can be counted on to have the wisdom to see which mindset someone is coming from.
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  • What To Do When Your Ex Won't Let You Go

    What To Do When Your Ex Won't Let You Go

    I'm sure that you've seen books out there on "how to get your ex back". They're immensely popular because let's face it, sometimes breakups happen that we didn't wish for.

    And when someone we feel like we're passionately in love with dumps us it hurts...badly.

    Now, the plain truth is that as you become more of a chooser than a chaser you'll have more power over your dating life.

    That means YOU are soon (if not already) going to be the one breaking
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  • 10 reasons you need to drop the Non-Committal, Emotionally Unavailable Guy FAST

    10 reasons you need to drop the Non-Committal, Emotionally Unavailable Guy FAST

    Here’s 10 reasons you need to drop the Non-Committal, Emotionally Unavailable Guy FAST (and it’s not just because “it’s the right thing to do”)

    Drop Him Reason #1 – It's Emotionally DRAINING

    You know the saying that if you want something bad enough, you should work hard to get it? Well, the second half of that saying is, if you want something bad enough, you should work hard for it, but you should also check the feedback that you’re getting.

    If you’re...
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  • Are You "Shallow" For Wanting A Physically Beautiful Woman?

    Are You "Shallow" For Wanting A Physically Beautiful Woman?

    It's very common for guys not to have a clear idea of what they really want in a woman.

    And as you probably know by now, I have a device I call The Depth Chart that I recommend in such cases.

    Essentially, what you do is identify the ten most important factors to you when it comes to evaluating great woman, assign each factor ten points, and proceed to (quite literally) grade every woman you date accordingly.

    The Depth Chart is especially effective for helping
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  • 7 Classic Blunders To Avoid On Second Dates

    7 Classic Blunders To Avoid On Second Dates

    There's plenty of advice out there about how to make sure the first date goes well.

    You can even get a great report on how to get the first date AND ace it right there on my main website.

    But what you don't hear about very often are the ways that so many of us tend to blow it on second dates.

    Here are seven classic blunders to avoid the second time you meet up with a woman, even if the first date went perfectly well:

    1) Going to the exact
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  • Why Women Flake Out On You...And It's Not What You've Heard

    One thing that we value in each other as men is reliability.

    One of the ways we measure a real man--and a real friend--is that the dude just straight-up does what he says he's going to do.

    He gets the job done, and he's got your back.

    It's no wonder then that we really want to pull our hair out when a woman SAYS she wants to hear from us and/or go out on a date with us...only to either feed us a lame excuse or even fall off the face of the Earth later.
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  • Why So Many Guys Lose With Women (And How To Win Instead)

    A number of years back, something called the Prevent Defense came into vogue in the National Football League.

    Essentially a defensive set featuring a whopping seven defensive backs (four is typical), the strategy was developed as a way to "prevent" long pass plays from happening.

    The theory behind the Prevent Defense is simple.

    If your team is up by a touchdown or more late enough in the fourth quarter that the opposing team's only apparent hope
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  • My Husband Slept With Another Woman While We Were Separated
    So often, I hear from people going through tough times in their relationships, and today, I want to address a topic that hits hard: "My husband slept with another woman while we were separated." It's a gut-wrenching situation, and I'm here to offer some informal, heartfelt advice to help you navigate this emotional rollercoaster.

    A while back, I received a message from a client who had gone through a challenging separation. She told me about how her world had turned upside
    09-03-2023, 07:37 PM
  • Creating Drama is Never the Answer for Marriage Problems
    Can drama help a relationship? Most couples would unanimously agree that the answer is no. Yet, believe it or not, some couples use drama as a form of excitement in their relationship. They get a rush from the occasional argument and enjoy the make-up sex that follows.

    But drama does more harm than good in a marriage. What started out as a spark of drama can quickly turn into embarrassing public arguments, using intimacy as a bargaining chip, and freezing one another out.
    12-06-2018, 09:47 PM
  • Understand The Mystery Of Attraction And You'll Be More Attractive (Here's How)
    Recently, I got into a conversation with some friends over dinner about the subject of "attraction".

    After several minutes of discussion, a somewhat amazing revelation hit me. Each respective person at the table had a different working definition for the word.

    One person seemed to believe it was synonymous with "physically good looking".

    Someone else was talking as if it meant all those things that matter other than physical looks, and
    10-04-2017, 11:46 PM
  • 3 Signs She's About To Trick You (And 5 Signs She's Sincere)
    Most of us as guys get a raging case of "Tunnel Vision Disorder" when it comes to getting a woman we like to go out on a date with us.

    We lock on to that as a goal, and it's all we care about.

    As such, sometimes we end up going on dates with women we should never have agreed to, and we end up "hornswaggled".

    "Hoodwinked". "Bamboozled". "Flim-flammed". TRICKED.

    We might even fall into the trap
    10-01-2017, 11:52 PM
  • Pleasure, Pain And Fantasies Of Meeting Women
    Okay, here's a quick exercise for you that should be fun.

    Close your eyes and fantasize about something or someone.

    Got a mental picture rolling? Okay good...

    I have no idea how you're reading this with your eyes closed, but never mind that. By now I've made my point, which is this...

    My bet is that regardless of what you just fantasized about, it distinctly involved something pleasurable.

    In fact, you could probably forget the rest
    10-01-2017, 11:27 PM
  • Approaching Women: Is This As Bad As It Gets?
    How big a deal is the whole idea of approaching women without fear of rejection? Well, it's pretty massive.

    So much so that almost invariably whenever I write about anything other than that, I get at least one e-mail or comment to the effect of, "Yeah, didn't tell us how to meet women and deal with rejection."

    Well, this time I don't plan on getting any such messages. That's because today we're going to hit that most sensitive of subjects.
    08-30-2017, 06:47 PM