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  • 4 Ways You Can Tell It's Time To Rub Her Back

    4 Ways You Can Tell It's Time To Rub Her Back

    You know, the messages I get from you guys generally say that Massage Your Date is working really well for you.

    But I do get asked a lot about what it takes to actually get into the position of giving a girl a massage to begin with.

    That's a good, fair question to ask, I'd say.

    So to me, flirting with women has always been key. And flirting is all about giving and receiving signals. It's the kind of sexual subscommunication that men and women tend to engage
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  • What To Do If You Think She's Got All The Power

    What To Do If You Think She's Got All The Power

    Frankly, some guys (and there are at least dozens out there, apparently) are flat-out convinced that women have all the power and that's just the way it is.

    They think I'm stark raving nuts to even suggest otherwise.

    I couldn't help but turn my thoughts toward wondering how in the world a man could become SO convinced that he could NEVER have any power when it comes to women.

    The only answer I could come up with is that he has been CHASING women for so blasted
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  • 9 Ways People Bore Others To Death In Conversation

    9 Ways People Bore Others To Death In Conversation

    There's never a shortage of information on how to be a scintillating conversationalist. After all, if a woman finds you interesting, she'll want MORE of you.

    But oftentimes in life, one of the best ways to really grasp a concept is to learn what NOT to do as well.

    With that in mind (and after enduring years of listening to engineers with IQs of about 200 talk about they personally believe is "fascinating"), I've come up with a fairly quick list of 9 patterns
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  • What To Say When Women Approach You First [Steal This]

    What To Say When Women Approach You First [Steal This]

    As you know, a lot of energy is spent by guys all over the world on figuring out how to approach women.

    And lately, there's also been quite a bit of talk about the idea of getting women to approach us first.

    That's all well and good, although I'll stand firmly by my statement that a woman respects a man more who approaches her first, at least under "normal" circumstances.

    But hey...I'll be the first to admit that there are some bold, spunky chicks
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  • 7 Reasons Why Young Women Go After Older Guys

    One of the great things about this article is that all kinds of guys of all ages read it.

    Some of you are 18 years old and just getting started with all of this. Meanwhile, the oldest guy I've heard from is 88, and yes he's out there meeting women.

    This makes it somewhat difficult for me to write about "age gap" related stuff while keeping it relevant to most of you.

    Today's topic is exceptional, though. It's about WHY younger women tend to go for
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  • She Can't Stand You. Now What?

    She Can't Stand You. Now What?

    Is there a woman in your world who you've developed some sort of "bad blood" with?

    If you've committed some sort of egregious felony against her, that's one thing. But I think most of us have at least one woman in our lives who we're not getting along with, all because of some rift that was relatively minor.

    Maybe the two of you USED to be cool with each other. It's quite possible there was even mutual attraction.

    Then SOMETHING weird happened and
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  • Should You Tell Current Girlfriends About Past Mistakes?

    Somewhere there's a "dark corner" of your past that you'd prefer nobody found out about. You'd love to keep it secret from just about everyone you know, and maybe even forget about it if it never even happened.

    Under normal, day-to-day circumstances we typically find it pretty easy to keep our mouths shut.

    We don't go volunteering information about our prison record and/or our former heroin addiction to hiring managers during job interviews, do
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  • How To Touch Women Without Being Creepy

    How To Touch Women Without Being Creepy

    A lot of guys have heard that the best way to stay out of the “Just Be Friends Zone” is to start touching the woman you’re interacting with as early on as you can.

    After all, this has sort of become a default teaching over the years in men’s dating advice.

    Well, I have to tell you that I’m not sure that’s the right mindset to have when meeting women.

    I mean, yeah…we all want to get our hands on sexy women. And I realize that waiting sucks. Lots
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  • 6 Important Steps When She's Ready To Have Sex With You

    6 Important Steps When She's Ready To Have Sex With You

    I've sensed the need to write about the subject of this article for quite some time, yet I've been reticent to because I don't believe in being "sex focused".

    Ultimately, being on a desperate mission to bed a woman as soon as possible after meeting her is a newbie mindset.

    Truth: Guys who are trying to "get laid" tend to be the least laid guys I know. I've said that before, and it's true.

    But that doesn't keep most of us from dreaming of
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  • 4 Easy Ways To Be Exciting And Interesting Instead Of Boring

    4 Easy Ways To Be Exciting And Interesting Instead Of Boring

    An amazing number of people in general are hopelessly boring, aren’t they?

    The weird part is they usually realize it. Not only will most people admit they lead dull, unexciting lives, some even seem proud of it.

    But not everyone so affected is happy with his or her boring life.

    I get calls and e-mails from both men and women all the time asking ways to become more exciting and intriguing to others...not just MOTOS (members of the other sex), mind you, but
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  • My Husband Slept With Another Woman While We Were Separated
    So often, I hear from people going through tough times in their relationships, and today, I want to address a topic that hits hard: "My husband slept with another woman while we were separated." It's a gut-wrenching situation, and I'm here to offer some informal, heartfelt advice to help you navigate this emotional rollercoaster.

    A while back, I received a message from a client who had gone through a challenging separation. She told me about how her world had turned upside
    09-03-2023, 07:37 PM
  • Creating Drama is Never the Answer for Marriage Problems
    Can drama help a relationship? Most couples would unanimously agree that the answer is no. Yet, believe it or not, some couples use drama as a form of excitement in their relationship. They get a rush from the occasional argument and enjoy the make-up sex that follows.

    But drama does more harm than good in a marriage. What started out as a spark of drama can quickly turn into embarrassing public arguments, using intimacy as a bargaining chip, and freezing one another out.
    12-06-2018, 09:47 PM
  • Understand The Mystery Of Attraction And You'll Be More Attractive (Here's How)
    Recently, I got into a conversation with some friends over dinner about the subject of "attraction".

    After several minutes of discussion, a somewhat amazing revelation hit me. Each respective person at the table had a different working definition for the word.

    One person seemed to believe it was synonymous with "physically good looking".

    Someone else was talking as if it meant all those things that matter other than physical looks, and
    10-04-2017, 11:46 PM
  • 3 Signs She's About To Trick You (And 5 Signs She's Sincere)
    Most of us as guys get a raging case of "Tunnel Vision Disorder" when it comes to getting a woman we like to go out on a date with us.

    We lock on to that as a goal, and it's all we care about.

    As such, sometimes we end up going on dates with women we should never have agreed to, and we end up "hornswaggled".

    "Hoodwinked". "Bamboozled". "Flim-flammed". TRICKED.

    We might even fall into the trap
    10-01-2017, 11:52 PM
  • Pleasure, Pain And Fantasies Of Meeting Women
    Okay, here's a quick exercise for you that should be fun.

    Close your eyes and fantasize about something or someone.

    Got a mental picture rolling? Okay good...

    I have no idea how you're reading this with your eyes closed, but never mind that. By now I've made my point, which is this...

    My bet is that regardless of what you just fantasized about, it distinctly involved something pleasurable.

    In fact, you could probably forget the rest
    10-01-2017, 11:27 PM
  • Approaching Women: Is This As Bad As It Gets?
    How big a deal is the whole idea of approaching women without fear of rejection? Well, it's pretty massive.

    So much so that almost invariably whenever I write about anything other than that, I get at least one e-mail or comment to the effect of, "Yeah, didn't tell us how to meet women and deal with rejection."

    Well, this time I don't plan on getting any such messages. That's because today we're going to hit that most sensitive of subjects.
    08-30-2017, 06:47 PM