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  • 6 Things Women Mean When They Say "Just Be Yourself"

    Probably the most irritating thing on Earth is when a woman tells us to "just be ourselves".

    It isn't the words themselves. She actually means well.

    It's the context that's so irksome, right?

    I mean, typically women say that when you're either dating one of their friends and are clearly messing everything up or you're about to date one of their friends and she's sure you're probably going to mess everything up.

    So the lack of confidence
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  • #1 Reason Why We're Our Own Worst Enemy When It Comes To Women

    Some guys are more comfortable without women in their lives than they are with doing something about it.

    Psychologists would probably call that "fear of success", but I have a different term for it. I just can't decide whether to choose "laziness" or "delusion".

    "If I don't have a Harley, tons of tattoos and a diamond earring of less than 2 carats, I'll get ZERO women in this city."

    "I'm 6'4"
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  • One Simple Truth Will Do Wonders For Your Sexual Confidence

    One Simple Truth Will Do Wonders For Your Sexual Confidence

    I'm hearing from a ton of you guys who are about to give up on the idea of attracting a woman who really turns you on.

    You're thinking about settling.

    Some of you are even scribbling notes to me that you're resigned to "dying alone" or even "dying a virgin".

    Not so fast. Let's "86" the melodramatics for once and cut to the chase.

    Au contraire, mon frère. You can and should get the women you want so badly.
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  • Can You "Win" An Argument With A Woman?

    Can You "Win" An Argument With A Woman?

    The other day I had the distinct and thankfully rare displeasure of watching a couple argue in public with each other.

    My scientific wild-ass guess as to one key reason why this MIGHT be a relatively rare sight to behold is that men and women who freely elect to embarrass each other in broad daylight tend not to stay together very long.

    After all, if two people aren't mature enough to keep conflict under wraps with a bunch of strangers around, how effective do you think
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  • Most Of My Friends Are Female

    Most Of My Friends Are Female

    It's no secret that there's a lot for both genders to fear when it comes into getting into relationships with MOTOS (members of the other sex).

    For us as guys, we dread the idea of getting "taken to the cleaners" in a future divorce almost as much as we're terrified that the woman we marry will gain 100 pounds within six months after the wedding.

    But really, my sneaking suspicion is that the #1 fear we have is that she's going to turn into a raging psycho on us.
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  • How Do People You Know React To The Woman You're With?

    How Do People You Know React To The Woman You're With?

    "I don't care what others think of me...or my girlfriend."

    That may be the battle cry of independent thinkers everywhere, but there's one undeniable truth that must be considered, nonetheless.

    The people who know you the best and care about you the most can sometimes see things that you might be too "blinded by bliss" to consider yourself, let alone admit to.

    The problem is that people who'd like to remain on good terms with us aren't very
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  • Has Your Mom Ever Given You Some Advice Regarding Women

    Has Your Mom Ever Given You Some Advice Regarding Women

    I don't know if it's just a weird coincidence or whatever, but lately I've been getting way too many e-mails from men who are saying something to the effect of this:

    "Yeah, mommy told me I should do [insert something preposterous and/or pathetic here] and girls will like me more. But I did that, and it sorta didn't work."

    In the brackets you could freely insert anything and everything from "wear a tie to coffee meetings" to
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  • I Am Lonely and Single: Why Lonely People Stay Lonely

    I Am Lonely and Single: Why Lonely People Stay Lonely

    It pretty much goes without saying, doesn't it? If you're feeling the pangs of hunger and you've got access to food, you're going to eat.

    Similarly, if you walked outside and realized a cold front had blown through, you'd go inside and grab a jacket. You wouldn't freeze to death.

    That's pretty much a no-brainer too, right?

    In fact, for just about any biological or even emotional need in life, we don't think twice about doing what it takes to address it and
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  • Monkeys, Trees And Women

    Monkeys, Trees And Women

    Have you ever watched monkeys before?

    I'm asking this question seriously.

    I realize that many of you live where monkeys exist in the wild. As a matter of fact, monkey's are actually rampant throughout most of the world.

    And even if you live in largely monkey-free zones like the U.S. or Canada, for example, modern zoos typically go out of their way to create living spaces for captive creatures that simulate their "natural habitat".
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  • Should You Not Care What Anybody Else Thinks?

    Should You Not Care What Anybody Else Thinks?

    There's a BIG difference between what's "macho" and what's "masculine".

    "Machismo" tends to cover how we as guys impress each other, whereas TRUE masculinity is defined by women. It's what ignites their femininity in ways that make them hot for us.

    Well, based on a coaching call I had the other night I got to thinking about the concept of "not caring what others think" relative to all this.

    Now, if there has EVER been
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  • My Husband Slept With Another Woman While We Were Separated
    So often, I hear from people going through tough times in their relationships, and today, I want to address a topic that hits hard: "My husband slept with another woman while we were separated." It's a gut-wrenching situation, and I'm here to offer some informal, heartfelt advice to help you navigate this emotional rollercoaster.

    A while back, I received a message from a client who had gone through a challenging separation. She told me about how her world had turned upside
    09-03-2023, 07:37 PM
  • Creating Drama is Never the Answer for Marriage Problems
    Can drama help a relationship? Most couples would unanimously agree that the answer is no. Yet, believe it or not, some couples use drama as a form of excitement in their relationship. They get a rush from the occasional argument and enjoy the make-up sex that follows.

    But drama does more harm than good in a marriage. What started out as a spark of drama can quickly turn into embarrassing public arguments, using intimacy as a bargaining chip, and freezing one another out.
    12-06-2018, 09:47 PM
  • Understand The Mystery Of Attraction And You'll Be More Attractive (Here's How)
    Recently, I got into a conversation with some friends over dinner about the subject of "attraction".

    After several minutes of discussion, a somewhat amazing revelation hit me. Each respective person at the table had a different working definition for the word.

    One person seemed to believe it was synonymous with "physically good looking".

    Someone else was talking as if it meant all those things that matter other than physical looks, and
    10-04-2017, 11:46 PM
  • 3 Signs She's About To Trick You (And 5 Signs She's Sincere)
    Most of us as guys get a raging case of "Tunnel Vision Disorder" when it comes to getting a woman we like to go out on a date with us.

    We lock on to that as a goal, and it's all we care about.

    As such, sometimes we end up going on dates with women we should never have agreed to, and we end up "hornswaggled".

    "Hoodwinked". "Bamboozled". "Flim-flammed". TRICKED.

    We might even fall into the trap
    10-01-2017, 11:52 PM
  • Pleasure, Pain And Fantasies Of Meeting Women
    Okay, here's a quick exercise for you that should be fun.

    Close your eyes and fantasize about something or someone.

    Got a mental picture rolling? Okay good...

    I have no idea how you're reading this with your eyes closed, but never mind that. By now I've made my point, which is this...

    My bet is that regardless of what you just fantasized about, it distinctly involved something pleasurable.

    In fact, you could probably forget the rest
    10-01-2017, 11:27 PM
  • Approaching Women: Is This As Bad As It Gets?
    How big a deal is the whole idea of approaching women without fear of rejection? Well, it's pretty massive.

    So much so that almost invariably whenever I write about anything other than that, I get at least one e-mail or comment to the effect of, "Yeah, didn't tell us how to meet women and deal with rejection."

    Well, this time I don't plan on getting any such messages. That's because today we're going to hit that most sensitive of subjects.
    08-30-2017, 06:47 PM