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  • How To Find Out What She Really Thinks Of You..And When To Do So

    How To Find Out What She Really Thinks Of You..And When To Do So

    I know what you're thinking. You've been told a thousand times NOT to ask women what they think of you straight up.

    Especially on first dates.

    "So, do you think this date is going well?"

    "Can you picture yourself going out on a second date with me?"

    "Do you think I look like my pictures?"

    Those questions telegraph desperation and are sure to cause a woman to second-guess your masculine
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  • What Makes Dating After Divorce So Tricky

    What Makes Dating After Divorce So Tricky

    You know, my parents have been happily married for over 55 years. They met in high school and married while still teenagers.

    Contrary to the naysayers who no doubt told them they were "too young", or whatever, they are still together.

    In fact, all I've ever seen demonstrated for me by my parents was the paragon of health and happiness in a relationship.

    So leave it to me to be the first divorced one in the history of either side of the family.
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  • The Advantages Of First Meetings Vs. First Dates

    The Advantages Of First Meetings Vs. First Dates

    There is some commotion among dating experts over whether a "first meeting" and a "first date" are the same thing or not.

    I happen to believe they are not.

    Assuming that's true, the best way I know how to make the point is to define the differences that set them apart.

    In my mind, a "first date" refers to an event where both the man and the woman KNOW they're there because they're clearly interested in each other romantically.
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  • What to Do When Some Other Guy Tries To Take Your Girl

    What to Do When Some Other Guy Tries To Take Your Girl

    There aren't many dating coaches who write about how to handle potential conflict situations presented by other guys who have their eye on the same woman you do.

    That's probably because it's not a particularly fun or amusing subject to talk about.

    But the fact remains that you've got to know how to handle yourself when faced with sudden--and perhaps obnoxious--competition.

    Such sticky situations can take various forms depending on the scenario, but today I
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  • 3 Disastrous Social Habits To Avoid

    3 Disastrous Social Habits To Avoid

    Today I'm going to share with you something that's going to seem impossibly basic on the surface--almost bare-bones.

    But even though we may understand the fundamental basics of what I'm going to talk about at the instinctive gut-felt level, relatively few guys walking this Earth really get it right in real-world interactions with others--men OR women.

    Here's the thing: Even though we know we should always GIVE more than we TAKE during the course of social interactions,
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  • Seeing A Woman Tonight? Here's The Easiest Way To Stack First Date Odds In Your Favor

    Seeing A Woman Tonight? Here's The Easiest Way To Stack First Date Odds In Your Favor

    It's Saturday and a lot of you guys will be heading out later to meet with a great woman...and you don't want to mess it up.

    It seems like we're always looking for brain-dead simple ways to make sure we ace that all-important first meeting, right?

    Well, as always, you should definitely focus on HER comfort instead of worrying about whether YOU are going to mess up or not.

    And yes...instead of concerning yourself whether to hug her or shake her hand when you
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  • Is There Still Hope To Get Your Ex Back? (How To Tell)

    Is There Still Hope To Get Your Ex Back? (How To Tell)

    A lot of people are in difficult situations.

    Some of them feel like the deck is stacked against them.

    Some of them feel crushed and defeated, separated from the people that they love.

    Some of them feel powerless to do anything to improve things between them and their ex.

    Some of them feel as if hope is slipping away through their fingers.

    That’s why, today, I wanted to have a serious talk with you about whether or not there’s hope
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  • 3 Unbeatable Ways To Succeed With Women On New Year's Eve

    3 Unbeatable Ways To Succeed With Women On New Year's Eve

    I've gotten numerous e-mails asking about New Year's Eve, and more specifically how to how to make it a great night as far as success with the ladies is concerned.

    I figured I'd better get some ideas out to you today so that you'd have at least some time to think about it and prepare accordingly.

    So let's get on with it. Here are my three best tips...the first for guys who are single, the second for guys who are dating someone casually, and the third for those of you who
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  • Women Are Creatures Of Subtlety... Right?

    Women Are Creatures Of Subtlety... Right?

    Most guys report that they have absolutely no idea when women are attracted to them.

    This is probably because we consider ourselves to be all about seeing things in "black and white", whereas women tend to be creatures of subtlety--at least when it comes to showing interest in a man.

    Let's camp on that thought for a brief moment.

    Most of us as guys automatically assume that women are creatures of subtlety in general--because that's what we've been
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  • Your Morning After Survival Kit (5 Key Steps)

    Your Morning After Survival Kit (5 Key Steps)

    Alright, you know I'm not a doctor. So this isn't going to be about how to get over a hangover.

    At least not the kind that's caused by guzzling too many brewskis or "Jager Bombs" the night before, that is. is indeed Saturday morning for most of you reading this. And if you went out on the town last night with the goal of meeting some women but came up empty handed, I fully understand that you're probably still sick to your stomach about it and your head
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  • My Husband Slept With Another Woman While We Were Separated
    So often, I hear from people going through tough times in their relationships, and today, I want to address a topic that hits hard: "My husband slept with another woman while we were separated." It's a gut-wrenching situation, and I'm here to offer some informal, heartfelt advice to help you navigate this emotional rollercoaster.

    A while back, I received a message from a client who had gone through a challenging separation. She told me about how her world had turned upside
    09-03-2023, 07:37 PM
  • Creating Drama is Never the Answer for Marriage Problems
    Can drama help a relationship? Most couples would unanimously agree that the answer is no. Yet, believe it or not, some couples use drama as a form of excitement in their relationship. They get a rush from the occasional argument and enjoy the make-up sex that follows.

    But drama does more harm than good in a marriage. What started out as a spark of drama can quickly turn into embarrassing public arguments, using intimacy as a bargaining chip, and freezing one another out.
    12-06-2018, 09:47 PM
  • Understand The Mystery Of Attraction And You'll Be More Attractive (Here's How)
    Recently, I got into a conversation with some friends over dinner about the subject of "attraction".

    After several minutes of discussion, a somewhat amazing revelation hit me. Each respective person at the table had a different working definition for the word.

    One person seemed to believe it was synonymous with "physically good looking".

    Someone else was talking as if it meant all those things that matter other than physical looks, and
    10-04-2017, 11:46 PM
  • 3 Signs She's About To Trick You (And 5 Signs She's Sincere)
    Most of us as guys get a raging case of "Tunnel Vision Disorder" when it comes to getting a woman we like to go out on a date with us.

    We lock on to that as a goal, and it's all we care about.

    As such, sometimes we end up going on dates with women we should never have agreed to, and we end up "hornswaggled".

    "Hoodwinked". "Bamboozled". "Flim-flammed". TRICKED.

    We might even fall into the trap
    10-01-2017, 11:52 PM
  • Pleasure, Pain And Fantasies Of Meeting Women
    Okay, here's a quick exercise for you that should be fun.

    Close your eyes and fantasize about something or someone.

    Got a mental picture rolling? Okay good...

    I have no idea how you're reading this with your eyes closed, but never mind that. By now I've made my point, which is this...

    My bet is that regardless of what you just fantasized about, it distinctly involved something pleasurable.

    In fact, you could probably forget the rest
    10-01-2017, 11:27 PM
  • Approaching Women: Is This As Bad As It Gets?
    How big a deal is the whole idea of approaching women without fear of rejection? Well, it's pretty massive.

    So much so that almost invariably whenever I write about anything other than that, I get at least one e-mail or comment to the effect of, "Yeah, didn't tell us how to meet women and deal with rejection."

    Well, this time I don't plan on getting any such messages. That's because today we're going to hit that most sensitive of subjects.
    08-30-2017, 06:47 PM