Back in late 2004 there was one definable moment where I looked in the mirror and told myself that I had had enough of my own ridiculous attitude toward dating and attraction.
Until then I had been content to believe that I'd slowly but surely get around to having a woman in my life who I really wanted... somehow.
But the lightning bolt came when a very average woman told me, "you're a NICE guy" with a decidedly motherly I dropped her off at her house for the LAST time.
From that day forward, I was going to be bolder. I was going to take action, whether that meant asking women out, knowing when it was time for the first kiss to happen, or whatever.
I invested in the tools I needed to get it together, and I committed to turning things around.
And guess what? It worked.
And it worked FAST, actually.
By mid-2005 I had the five or six hottest women I knew at the time calling ME, purring preposterous things over the phone.
One would call shortly after my alarm clock went off wanting to come over and make me breakfast.
Later, another would call me from work wanting to skip lunch and come over to my place instead.
Then, yet another wanted to drop by at 10pm and crawl into bed with me because she was "cold".
The crazy part? I usually had to turn them down because I was already busy with one of the others...who were at least equally smart, fun and sexy.
All this went on despite me being a pretty regular guy, and it all was happening within just a few short months of that fateful day I looked myself in the eye and made the necessary change.
Why am I telling you this?
To be honest, in the moment I didn't have any idea how powerful that ONE decision would prove to be.
But the thing is, it's a decision that virtually zero guys ever get around to stepping up and making.
Nevertheless, I'd highly encourage YOU to make it.
Just this morning I got an e-mail from a guy who asked a poignant question.
Apparently he's noticed that it's not necessarily true that "jerks get all the women" OR that "prettyboys with lots of money get all the women".
In fact, he knows his fair share of very average guys who have incredible wives and girlfriends.
One in particular, he noted, was decidedly clingy and even a bit pushy when he first met the woman he's now about to marry. Yet, she gave him a fair chance and he figured out what he needed to do to keep her around.
In other words, he messed up some after he met her...and it still worked out okay in the end.
What, then, is the ONLY real, verifiable difference between that guy and the other men who either settle for women who they're embarrassed to be with or who are altogether dateless?
You got it: They actually approached the woman they really wanted and asked them out.
They sacked up and they did what they had to do up front.
The bottom line? Most men never, ever get over the fear of "rejection" and/or "bothering" women.
And they pay richly in the form of loneliness and dejection.