Meanwhile, a man's masculinity (i.e his maleness as evidenced by the traits of true manhood) is what inspires a sexually charged response from a woman.
Therefore, men OR women who view the purpose of dating as "getting some" and follow that purpose without regard for how MOTOS (members of the other sex) are affected rarely have fulfilling, highly intense sex lives.
In order to "get sex", one first has to represent to MOTOS what it is that they actually want...especially from a sexual perspective.
So, a man who has figured out how to be a MAN without being either an I/J (Idiot/Jerk) or a mama's boy AND who appreciates women for their femininity above and beyond their utility as sex objects will discover something very, very powerful.
If you think about it, this all makes perfect design. Sexuality is the natural and inevitable by-product of this chemical reaction.
So then, how do you actually DO this? You know...the RIGHT way?
First of all, if this all sounds scientific and technical, it really isn't complicated.
What I'm talking about here is exactly how it used to be throughout most of human history without much if any elaboration necessary.
It's today's blurring of gender roles, the "feminization" of America and the messages we hear that "all male behavior is bad behavior" that have caused things to get where they are.
Well, that and the fact that so many women have cheapened sex themselves. Let's face it.
Ultimately, however, if you exude masculine power it's like catnip with women.
You appreciate them--you genuinely LIKE the presence of a great woman--and the "Just Be Friends" issue literally vanishes into thin air.
You regain total control and initiate the right kind of "friendships" with women.
There's never again any need to pressure the issue of sexuality. Women will be unable to resist the magnetic, physiological urge to act on your masculine presence.
From there, you lead with sensuality with the expectation that it will boomerang back to you as sexuality and you will have sexual options beyond your wildest dreams.
Make her FEEL good about her and about being a woman in any and every way possible. Heck, just make her FEEL nice things.
Welcome to why women love bubble baths, music, wine, and smooth jazz...all by candlelight. It makes them FEEL sensuous.
Wrap a woman in delight and you'll probably get to unwrap her later, if you know what I mean.
Similarly, if you can keep your head for a measly thirty minutes or so once you know a woman's physically hot for you, things will go even better.
That's what I call "The Most Important 30 Minutes In Dating", and that's when you should be ramping up sexual tension and literally making her simmer with anticipation.
The simple, plain truth is that men who are obsessed by the possibility of impending sexual opportunity almost never have any.
Women do NOT want to be used as "masturbation tools" for you or for anyone else any more than you'd like to be used as a woman's ATM machine.
I know when I started getting all of this worked out in my life my friends were dumbfounded, as was I to some degree.
Sooner than later you will literally be getting calls from women who you haven't contacted for a while. They'll simply want to "come over". You will open the door and they will throw their arms around you and start kissing you passionately.
You may be skeptical, but it absolutely happens. It never happens, though, to guys who are trying to "get some".
Masculine, confident, secure. Appreciative of femininity over female sexuality. Magic.