And sure, television has lots to do with that.
"Desperate Housewives" had a long run, and you really can't surf the cable menu without seeing four or five shows on at night about rich wives with nothing to do.
But wait a second...if they're so bored, then why in the world is that so interesting to so many people?
That's a good question. And there's an equally good answer.
In short, women who are bored tend to create drama for the sake of having something (i.e. anything) to concern themselves with.
And where is the "low hanging fruit" when it comes to creating said drama?
You guessed it: in their relationships.
It's the "relationship drama" that draws hefty viewing audiences.
Friends, co-workers and relatives are often drawn into the melee.
But make no mistake about it. BOREDOM foments DRAMA.
So far, you may be thinking I've got a firm grasp on the obvious.
Okay, then. How about if I drop THIS "bomb" on you?
The dynamic I've just described is NOT gender specific.
Now, I fully get that there's never been a show called "Desperate Husbands", "Bored NBA Players Who Are Married", or anything like that.
But and I have already heard a million times about how having "an exciting life" is like catnip to women.
That's 100% true. If women are typically so bored (and they are), then they really do appreciate when a man takes the lead to make life more exciting for her.
And if you've got something fun and interesting going on, she's glad to have you introduce her into the mix.
So it follows logically, then, that if you do not have a very exciting life, then you might not have the girlfriend you really want.
And what does the collective mashup of all these boredom factors net you?
Well, if you're in such an excitement-free relationship, you're not only "settling", you're probably still bored...together.
Wow...this is heavy stuff, isn't it?
But it gets more complicated from there.
Don't kid yourself. If you are bored in this life, you just might also be creating drama in your relationships in order to generate some excitement...just like women are famous for doing.
Hear me out.
If you are bored at work sitting in a cubicle all day and you have boring friends who do nothing but play video games, then you're going to have to find something to occupy your mind.
We as guys tend to require that in order to stay sane (at least relatively speaking).
So if you're not a NASCAR crew chief or building a nuclear submarine in your garage then your personality might really start craving the opportunity to take things apart just so you can try to put them together again.
Some of us as guys go so far as to really enjoy breaking things intentionally and trying to fix them.
The motorcycle enthusiast, surfer, BMXer, world traveler, musician and BBQ guy in me can relate.
It's fun. It's like a puzzle. It's a cool challenge to our ability to protect and provide, if you think about it. We can prove we "still got it".
And that's precisely why Emily and I know of at least four couples who habitually go out of their way to sabotage their respective relationships, only to patch things up again...and again...and again.
What do all eight people we know who fit that description have in common?
They're all bored.
The moral of this story? If you do what it takes to mix in some fun and fulfilling activities in your life, you have even more reason to believe that's going to have a very positive effect on your relationships with women...both in the short and the long term.
As always, deserve what you want.
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