Essentially, this means that assuming you can create attraction with a masculine, confident presence the next step is to make a woman feel safe and secure in your presence.
When a woman who is already attracted to you begins to trust you, then you can begin to establish an ongoing relationship on solid ground.
When her fear goes away, then she feels free to act on her feminine attraction to you.
Conversely, if she senses she's potentially in any kind of physical danger when you're around, gets a negative vibe from you or is "creeped out" in any way you'll get nowhere with her.
And that's a fact.
So yes, you've got to give a woman a sense of security in your presence. She has to know that you represent protection and goodwill rather than the opposite.
Providing security to a woman (or inspiring confidence, if you will) is very different than being "safe".
Understanding this is an extraordinarily important component to your overall success with women, yet I can't recall ever seeing the topic discussed elsewhere.
Here's what I mean.
A woman doesn't want to feel as if she is physically endangered at any time, but she does crave a man who can bring a sense of adventure and excitement to her life. Without the latter, she's bored to tears.
Similarly, she doesn't want to be "controlled" in a manipulative manner, but she does want a man who is an assertive leader. And without the latter, she'll lose respect for you.
Additionally, you can't become utterly predictable, stuck in a rut of doing the same things over and over again. Yet, you most certainly can't be irrationally compulsive either...that's just scary.
Yes, you've got to know how to differentiate all of this, which isn't always so easy to do.
As guys, the vast majority of us miss the mark insofar as how we represent ourselves to women.
For example, we may fail to recognize that women are generally compelled to consider their personal safety when on a date with a man, whereas we seldom are concerned with such.
It's not that we're violent "bad guys", it's simply a matter of fact that most men can overpower most women. Women are naturally very aware of this.
So the more we can do to take that preoccupation off the table for them, the better. But some guys just can't connect the dots, and blindly wonder why women keep pulling a disappearing act on them sooner than later.
In some cases, it's simply because we didn't make her feel secure in our presence.
For example, it's a good idea not to crowd a woman's space when you first meet her. Avoid jokes about killing people. Don't gesture with your hands full while cleaning loaded firearms at the dining room table. Stuff like that.
Fair enough.
But most guys, I'd contend, are actually on the opposite side of the spectrum.
We're too "safe". be clear, I'm not saying you should become flat-out dangerous. I'm talking about something completely different here.
We avoid disagreeing with her opinions. We dare not even try so much as to hold her hand even when she's laughing, playfully hitting us on the shoulder and staring at our lips in anticipation.
And, ironically, it's precisely because we're hypersensitive to "scaring women" that we end up this way. We don't want to "impose on them", so we chalk up our Failure To Deploy as "being a gentlemen".
Meanwhile, there's a woman somewhere who wanted to be kissed and went home feeling frustrated or even rejected.
Worse, because we rarely leave the basement ourselves once we come home from our jobs at Cubicle City, the most "adventurous" activity we can come up with when we're with her is the same trip to Chili's or Applebee's followed by crashing on the couch chilling with Netflix...again.
Taking the "safe" option is not adding value to a woman's self-perceived boring life, is it?
What did I miss? Leave it in the comments.