Well this is something that most women don’t realize is that when you’re first starting to date a man and getting to know each other, and I mean literally the first couple of dates, he will pretty much answer any question you ask him.
What does this mean for you? Well, unfortunately we’re often taught to hide what we truly desire, to “play it cool,” or act nonchalant and mysterious when first starting to date someone. We’re told that we will scare the man away if we are too blunt or clear with what we want.
What’s amazing about the openness men embody when they’re just getting to know you is that you can find out if he is actually worth your time, and if he even wants what you want!
This will not only save you time but also save you any unnecessary heartbreak!
YES! You can actually find out what a man’s intentions and desires are on the very first date!
If you are reading this, you likely desire a long term, committed, fulfilling relationship. I’m here for you sister. Below is my best advice for you to practice the moment you start seeing someone, to ensure you find the everlasting love you desire.
3 Things you need to do on the very FIRST date:
1. Be real. Don’t pretend to be anyone else but yourself! Be honest about who you are, what you desire (especially in the romantic department), and about what you love. You have literally NOTHING to lose! Remember to stay in a feminine space, be receptive, be fun, and most of all, be unattached to him needing to be the one. This is the most attractive thing to men: a woman who is happy, enjoying herself, confident in her skin, proud of who she is, clear on what she’s looking for and unwilling to lower her standards. So, don’t be afraid to be honest about what you’re looking for in relationship! Follow the next two steps I’ve listed below, and share your intentions for love with him as well. You got this!
2. Ask the right questions. Like I said before, when a man is just starting to get to know you, he is essentially an open book! Continue to embody #1 above, stay in that feminine, receptive, fun space as you ask these questions. Some example questions would be, “So, what are you looking for in your romantic life?” or “Do you still believe in happily ever after?” Make it fun, make it you, be light about it! And most importantly: ZIP IT! Give him at least 10 SECONDS to process, think, and respond. And then wait ANOTHER 10 seconds to see if there’s any other thoughts he has to share (see #3 for more on this!)
Here’s another quick tip! If his answer to the questions above is anything along the lines of “I just got out of a relationship so I’m enjoying seeing different people” or “I’m really enjoying my life, not looking for anything heavy,” that’s code for “I don’t want a committed relationship.” Better to find out now ladies than 3 months later! If this happens, celebrate it as a win! See it as something positive for both of you, trust that you will find a man wanting commitment, enjoy the date, and move on. Also, if your date responds to any of those questions with “Well, yeah I love being in relationship,” that’s a green light for you to keep seeing him!
3. Lastly, and most importantly: LISTEN. It takes men much more time to put together a thoughtful answer than women. They think and process differently than us, so we must not talk to them like we’d talk to a girlfriend. We as women often don’t truly listen when connecting; we tend to just wait for our next chance to speak. This is not the way to get to know a man or to discover what he’s looking for, and it’s certainly not the way to getting what you want!

I hope you enjoy these tips! You will be able to find out EVERYTHING you need to know about a man before moving forward, if you practice these 3 steps I’ve outlined above.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!