It only takes on innocent bit of conversation - possibly observed from across a room.
It's when the wife or girlfriend realizes that her hubby is admired - by another woman.
Just admired. That's all it takes to alert her radar Big Time.
That's about the moment the wife or girlfriend walks over in a "friendly" way and joins the conversation.
And on the way home in the car, the wife mentions to her husband that this single woman certainly has a "desperate" air, and has no fashion sense either.
Why is the wife or girlfriend so ALARMED by the woman who admires her husband?
It's because smart women instinctively know that this is how it starts.
This is how another woman becomes the Other Woman. It starts out with admiration.
See what I mean? It can be completely innocent. The "other woman" may not even be remotely thinking about this man romantically.
Here's what else:
A wife's cheat radar is even more "set off" when the wife personally knows that her man hasn't heard any admiring words from HER lately...
... because they haven't been getting along...
So when someone "new" is in the picture who is laughing at her man's jokes - it raises the tiny hairs on the back of her neck... if she has any...
... because the wife knows this is the most deadly threat of all - a woman who ADMIRES her man!
Now one time a woman told me this:
"My husband is a jackass who doesn't deserve my admiration."
Oh dear.
Admiration has to be real.
When you fall in love, you admire that person. For MANY reasons.
Men crave admiration! Women instinctively know this.
Here is the crucial question:
If another attractive woman comes along... who suddenly ADMIRES your guy... what does she admire about him?
That's exactly what it is about your man that is admirable.
Never forget it.
A man who is admired doesn't need to go looking for admiration from an outsider!
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!