The letter I printed a few days ago that asked about how to ignite femininity was one of the more straightforward, basic ones I've received on the subject.
That subject, of course, being an overarching one relating to how to value women beyond their sexuality.
At least one other guy brought up my newsletter a few weeks ago about passing a woman's "test" in a movie theater and plainly said that he'd never risk "pulling a muscle" for "some chick".
My response to him was that he'd better avoid being physically intimate with a woman also. After all, that potentially involves more physical exertion than simply carrying a woman over one's
The implication there, of course, is that "some chick" isn't really worth making any effort to delight, let alone respect.
One other guy went so far as to flatly ask me what on Earth a woman could possibly be good for other than sex.
Apparently, for starters his Daddy must have wiped his butt and
changed his diapers for him as a baby.
In all seriousness, though, that particular mindset is actually EPIDEMIC.
All I can say, gentlemen, is that if you have trouble finding any good reason to have a woman around other than to stick the round peg in the round hole, BOY are you cheating yourself out of some of the best experiences life has to offer.
First, in this context you can definitely assume we're talking only about a GOOD woman who won't ruin your life.
And surprise, surprise--guess which guys tend to end up with THOSE women? If you said "the ones who value women as more than sex objects", give yourself a gold star.
Show me a guy who is sex-focused, and I'll usually show you a guy who pretty much can't stand women otherwise. It's a cause/effect relationship.
A great woman is not only the mother of YOUR sons and daughters someday, she's your biggest cheerleader for whatever plans and ambitions you have (you DO have those, right?).
She's also your comfort and joy after a busy day.
She's all about creating happiness and fun...if you allow her to.
She'll fill your life with new friends and throw great parties... including what might be your first surprise birthday party ever.
She'll go out of her way to be amazing and beautiful when your boss invites himself over for dinner...even on short notice.
She might even rub your back and bring you a beer without asking.
You'll have someone to come home to, and someone to leave home with on vacation.
You'll have someone to build shared memories with.
You'll finally have someone to be a hero for who'll actually appreciate it.
If you play your cards right, she'll love doing the necessary things you taxes, cooking or taking the dog to the vet.
And yet she'll adore you for doing things you already like doing.
She SHOULD also be your best friend of all time...only not JUST a friend.
If any or even all of that still sounds utterly worthless to you, maybe you should check your pulse.
After all, YES...the sex part still comes with the package. It's just a far, far richer and more fulfilling package.
And come to think of it, it's far, far richer and more fulfilling sex, also.