"Blamer" is synonymous with "victim". As you probably already know, being a "victim" implies that something is being done unto you by someone else...beyond your control.
In other words, you're a passive bystander. You're powerless.
Think about all of this for a second, perhaps in a way you never have before.
It's a horrible feeling to think a breakup or lack of success with women in general is all someone else's fault...as if you had nothing to do with it...and can't do anything about the problem anyway?
A mindset like that could keep someone dateless for decades while they wallow in it. And I say "someone" because what I'm talking about here is NOT gender-specific.
But unfortunately, it's human nature to default to passing the blame.
But I've never met a "blamer" who was particularly successful at anything.
The truth is that nobody else is ever going to care about improving YOUR life more than YOU will.
When you accept responsibility, then and only then can you feel empowered to do something positive to correct the situation.
Now, even though what I've talked about so far has value in just about any aspect of life, there is an even deeper dimension to how it all relates to attracting MOTOS (members of the other sex) and interacting with them.
Playing the "blame" game in the world of dating and relationships is what almost invariably leads to the fatal mistake of believing the opposite sex is the problem (aka "all of them are the same").
Suffice it to say that being a "victim" is NOT attractive to women.
Never mind that they, like everyone else, don't want responsibility for your troubles--even with them.
If this describes you, then passing off all your blame onto women might actually BE your trouble with them.
Wow, right? Talk about "giving your power away" in the purest form.
Whereas a "blamer" is by definition a passive wimp, a "big four" man obviously knows how to have a plan, take charge and be courageous.
Moreover, a man who accepts responsibility is usually the SAME man who knows how to protect and provide.
"Blamers" just don't have the chops to make a woman feel safe and comfortable in their presence.
Add it all up and the very day you STOP being a "blamer" will likely be the day you START attracting more women.
If that energizes you, I'm happy to help.
If it messed up your whole day and pissed you off, then all I can say is "it's all my fault, not yours"...I guess.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!