As much as we hear about "women's intuition" and so forth, the whole idea of getting a gut feeling about something is decidedly not gender specific, is it?

We as guys tend to have our "spidey senses" tuned up every bit as well as women do.

If you go back through the file cards of your memory you'll soon figure out that unless you're some sort of chronic worrier, your instincts have rarely, if ever lied to you.

But do we always actually listen to them?

Sometimes we can get so clouded by beauty vision that we try to talk ourselves out of believing what we already know is the case.

You can just feel it in the pit of your stomach, can't you?

With all of that in mind, here are four situations that I'm sure all of us as guys have found ourselves in with women:

1) She's "Distant"

Because she's a little more reserved, isn't smiling as much as usual and/or is easily distracted you get the distinct feeling that there's something weighing heavy on her mind.

When you ask her, "What's wrong?" she may say, "Nothing", but you know it's SOMETHING.

This whole situation comes in two flavors: "Regular" and "Extra Hot".

That is, there's either suppressed anger involved or not.

If she seems somewhat calm and laid back--or even too much so--she might not have figured out how to talk to you about something important yet (e.g. pregnancy, STD concerns, she's married, etc.).

Or, she may actually be hiding something from you and is feeling guilt about it. But she knows that if you find out it's not going to end well.

She might even have met someone else but is taking a "wait and see" attitude toward him while she weighs her options. That would create distance, no doubt.

But if you sense latent animosity over there instead, you can bet she's angry at you for some reason. That's straightforward by comparison.

2) Communication Slows WAY Down

Whenever a woman isn't so quick about returning your calls or texts, you'll probably feel like you're losing touch with her.

A slowdown in communication may be accompanied by a decrease in her availability.

For example, she might be "busy" at times she previously would have jumped at the chance to come over and cook dinner with you, or whatever.

When you see these signs you might suspect she's either losing attraction for you and/or is seeing someone else.

And your thinking would be spot on.

If you've been seeing a woman for a while and this sort of thing starts happening you can be assured she's AT LEAST contemplating seeing someone else. He's in the picture, for sure.

3) She Stops Being Affectionate

You might notice that a woman is not as touchy-feelie with you as she once was.

Her sex drive may have dropped, which she might have some verbal excuse for.

But if she's flat-out not showing you much affection anymore, possibly even treating you more like a friend than a lover, then she's just not "feeling it" for you any more.

She doesn't know how to tell you that though, either because she first has to convince HERSELF that she won't snap out of it or because you've been so "nice" to her that she dreads breaking your heart.

4) Her Personality Changes

Sometimes a woman who's been a total sweetheart, or at least fairly happy-go-lucky in the past will suddenly switch to being edgier toward you and/or easily frustrated with you.

She might demonstrate that she respects you less and/or doesn't adore you as much.

Assuming that she's mentally healthy, one of two things is happening.

First, she may feel like YOU'RE not caring as much about HER as you used to, and she's simply reacting. Remember, women naturally follow your lead, so check yourself honestly.

But if you've been an even keel for the most part, then it's likely that something has caused her level of attraction toward you to plummet.

Either she's met someone else she'd actually rather be seeing--were she not "stuck" with you--or she's just sick of seeing your face.

If you consider those four factors above honestly, it might occur to you that you've actually been on both the receiving end AND the giving end of them all at one point or another.

Our gut feelings are SO accurate in these cases not just because the instincts involved aren't gender-specific. The actual situations I described aren't either.

So then, knowing we can trust our intuition, what's the solution?

Well, in each instance she's clearly avoiding something that needs to be talked about.

That means you can stop whatever you're doing and make a firm suggestion that she bring the issue out into the open.

Assure her you're both rational human beings so it's time to come clean. The key is to help her feel SAFE and SECURE about disclosing what's bothering her.

If she knows you'll neither overreact nor judge her, that will help immensely.

Then, of course, you've got to make good on keeping your composure--no matter what comes out of her mouth.

That's easier said than done, I realize. But you have to strengthen your resolve to be a man of character and remain cool and collected.

And hey...if you ever find yourself avoiding the inevitable yourself with a woman you've been seeing, why not man up and tell her what's going on?

She's a big girl and you'll likely find she can handle it. Plus, you'll save her from having to endure gut feelings of her own.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!