Have you noticed that every e-mail in your inbox these days seems to advertise some "weird video"?

Don't ask me what made everyone decide that using the word "weird" to describe any and every video will get people to watch 'em. I really have no idea.

All I know is that it only took watching a few "weird" videos that turned out to be perfectly normal to get me to stop falling for that trick.

That said, what we're going to be talking about here is different, though. Today I'm going to give you a rapid-fire rundown of seven genuinely weird things we as guys often do when with a woman.

Rest assured that "weirdness" isn't the only thing the items on the following list have in common, however.

For example, they each dramatically decrease your chances with women.

There's also yet another particularly noteworthy similarity. Guys who do any of what I'm about to talk about almost never realize they're doing it.

Let the "wake-up call" commence...

1) The "Knee Vibe"

You don't even need me to describe this one to you, right? If we aren't subject to doing it ourselves, we've certainly seen it before.

A guy's sitting there reading, listening to the iPod on the bus, or whatever. And there's his knee--bouncing up and down for no apparent reason.

Now granted, this one is sort of a "lightweight" on the creepy scale because so many people do it.

But no matter how you slice it, it's a sign of either nervousness or inability to contain physical energy.

As such, the "Knee Vibe" doesn't exactly enhance your masculine presence.

2) Nail Biting

Nail biting is an insidious habit. After all, if you really want to quit smoking, you can stop buying cigarettes and throw all of the cancer sticks that are left in the house in the trash.

But your fingers are with you 24/7, and you probably shouldn't cut them off and throw them away.

So if you're a nail biter, it's probably hard to stop.

It's unattractive, for sure, to go around chewing on your fingers.

That goes double if you're one of those guys (like LeBron James, of all people) who can be observed actually bracing the finger on one hand with his other hand for maximum leverage as he gnaws away.

But like the "Knee Vibe", nail biting is ultimately a sign of nervousness--especially nervous insecurity. The greater the tension in a particular situation, the more the fingernails get chewed on. It's similar to stuttering in that respect.

Nervous + Insecure = Not A Protector. Game over.

3) Rolling Eyes

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ID:	6288Have you ever met a person who rolls his or her eyes whenever he or she is slightly perturbed or when there's even the smallest disagreement going on?

He or she should stop doing so, even though it's my observation that lots of people do it without realizing it.

Rolling one's eyes is read as blatant disrespect by others. It occurs as flat-out arrogance.

If you want to attract women, cockiness (i.e. über-confidence) is good. Arrogance (i.e. "I'm better than you"), not so much.

4) Batting Eyelashes

This is an especially brutal one because it's extra, super hard to self-diagnose.

But make no mistake about it, batting one's eyelashes (i.e. blinking multiple times in fast succession) comes off as VERY soft and feminine.

Years ago I met with a guy who had recently gone out on a date with a San Antonio Spurs cheerleader.

She never picked up the phone or returned his messages afterward.

This guy had everything going for him in life. But he batted his eyelashes habitually in conversation.

I'm convinced this is what killed Silver Dancer babe's attraction for him. It's altogether possible that she may not have even been able to pinpoint why she "wasn't feeling it" for him. But I could.

5) Looking Down

As important as eye contact is, it's remarkable how many people look down submissively when you 're in a conversation with them.

If you do this, and you're a guy, you're essentially announcing that you're subject to the whim of others. You're a follower. You're easily dominated.

In other words, you're a total wimp.

Look people in the eye and win in life...especially with high quality women.

6) Leaning In

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ID:	6287You've probably read all about "pecking" before, but it still merits mention in this context.

"Pecking" is essentially the act of leaning in when someone else speaks, as if to make sure you get every bit of what's being said.

Although the gesture is rooted in politeness, it actually comes off as if the "pecker" has assigned more social importance to the other person than he has to himself.

I'm telling you, women find that insanely unattractive. Yet this is another one of those "mojo killers" that untold legions of people do all the time without even realizing it.

It's always a better idea to lean back and relax, even intentionally for a while if you have to, in order learn the new habit.

7) Mumbling

It's irritating when you have to tell someone to speak up and/or repeat every single thing they say.

Ever wonder why?

The obvious reason is because it's just such a time waster in our fast-paced modern society to repeat stuff.

But the more important factor is that "mumblers" demonstrate a lack of confidence. Confident people--especially confident women--tend not to tolerate non-confident guys, let alone respect them. This intolerance breeds blatant animosity.

When we don't speak clearly and/or at low volume it's as if we believe that what we're saying is an imposition and therefore not worth hearing.

Women want bold, confident men who are ambitious leaders. Mumbling is not a characteristic that meshes well with that kind of guy, is it? Of course not.

Certainly this list could be added to considerably. But rather than attempt to offer a comprehensive slate of "mojo killers", my intent here has been more to call attention to our lack of awareness. (How's that for an ironic statement?)

You've got to look alive out there when you're with a sharp woman.

Don't let insecurity or nerves bring out the worst in you. Staying "conscious" to this really can help limit the "unconscious" mannerisms we'd all love to avoid.

What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!