I've got a somewhat disarming surprise for you. The title of this article isn't simply some "rah rah" statement meant to serve as a one-liner pep talk.
It's the actual solution.
The point-blank truth is that if you're in the habit of finding fault in most everything and then ranting about it, then women aren't going to find you interesting at all.
While it's true that "negativity" is a general turn-off for just about everyone, that's not even the whole story.
In a woman's eyes, the problem with men who are "complainers" is that they appear HELPLESS.
They occur as lacking personal power.
That's because the "complainer" gets frustrated and bent out of shape over something that he perceives he either can't change or doesn't even want to deal with at all.
And if he can't handle life's trivial challenges, then he's obviously in no condition to be a protector and a provider.
Yep...it all comes down to that once again.
So this is very, very real. The very moment you make the decision not to complain about things, you improve your chances with women.
Set a mental trigger in your mind so that you immediately catch yourself whenever tempted to launch into a negative tirade on some trivial thing.
Whenever the "alarm" goes off whack yourself upside the head. Make it stop.
Now, as usual there IS a twist to this whole conversation, however.
Men who constantly paint on a "happy face" no matter what--even when something "negative" is going on--are every bit as unattractive to women as "complainers" are.
That's because when the chips are down and something "bad" really is going on, if you pass it off as a non-event and keep smiling women will be flat-out disgusted.
Again, this is because you'll be perceived as lacking power.
You'll be like the ostrich who buries it's head in the sand believing that the problem has "disappeared".
So as you can see, the concept of "negative" people being a bummer aside, the major issue here really lies in coming off as impotent rather than willing and able to lead.
A "big four" man differentiates himself from both "complainers" and "ostriches" by acknowledging when a problem exists, calmly accepting the reality of the situation and most importantly suggesting a solution and implementing it.
There you go: The "tipping point" between unattractiveness and making women hot for you in this case comes at the moment you suggest a proactive PLAN and seek to execute upon it.
Unattractive men "complain". The guy who is "all talk and no action" makes women roll their eyes.
Meanwhile, attractive men recognize problems and solve them. They're the "heroes" to high quality women everywhere.
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