If you're like A LOT of guys I've talked to over the years, it seems like you can get lots of women interested in you.
There's only one caveat...and it's a BIG one.
You indeed have a knack for creating attraction in women...just as long as you're NOT attracted to THEM in the least.
Sound familiar? Frustrating isn't it?
The sheer number of men who report this phenomenon is significant enough that I've decided to address it here, once and for all.
If you count yourself among those guys, you're going to be really happy you opened this e-mail from me today.
That's because I'm about to snap you out of that funk you've been in--all with a short burst of undeniable, irrefutable facts.
To paraphrase none other than Kenny Powers, "Listen up, because I'm about to [mess] your head up with some truth."
Hold on...here we go.
Alright then, imagine the most attractive woman you can think of. She can be someone famous or someone in your personal social circle. It doesn't matter for the purpose at hand.
Okay, now ask yourself this question: Is she only attractive to UNattractive men?
Here are a few more questions, just to drive the point home.
Is there a cut off point where any guy past some mediocre measure of personal attractiveness to women WON'T find this hottie attractive anymore?
Those are pretty brain-dead questions, when you think about it. The answer to both, most certainly, is "of course not".
The most attractive guys out there who are wildly successful with women will usually AGREE with the opinion of even the most dateless guy out there on who's hot and who's not.
Granted, nobody is universally attractive to everyone, but certainly the trend will remain steady across the board, won't it?
Well sure it will. You instinctively know this because you've talked to all sorts of guys about all sorts of women over the years, right?
Since we're on a roll, here's yet another question.
Now think about a less attractive woman. Is it ONLY the guys who seem to have their pick of the hottest women who aren't so into her?
Nonsense. Again, it's obvious that the opinions of guys who don't do as well with women will trend in that direction also.
Wow, right? The logic at play here isn't exactly genius-level, is it?
Women who are generally attractive to guys are attractive to ALL SORTS of guys.
Putting the proverbial shoe on the other foot like that makes the truth of the matter flat-out OBVIOUS, right?
Now here it is: you guessed it...none of this stuff is gender-specific.
The same logic we're using here applies to YOU if you're attracting ANY women at all with ANY degree of consistency, no matter WHAT you happen to think of them.
Here's where the rubber meets the road: If you can get a certain cross-section of women to be hot for you, chances are EXCELLENT that a high percentage of women in GENERAL will be attracted to you.
Yes, even the ones you personally find attractive.
Similarly, if you can get ONE hottie to be crazy about you, it's not a fluke. You can get OTHERS to want you also.
All told, you're either igniting femininity with your masculinity, or else we need to work on that.
Simply stated, if you think only the women you're NOT attracted to like you, then you've got to get over the "too good to be true factor" in your head.
That logic just doesn't add up.
Instead, leverage the logic that DOES add up--which we've been considering here--and start talking to the women you really want as you would any other woman.
That comes with practice. And by that I mean practicing with ALL women you happen across in normal day-to-day life, not just the ones who interest you sexually.
Let the pattern of attraction you've experienced in women you're indifferent toward create an indelible HABIT of expecting women in general to be delighted by you.
Then, start raising the bar with regard to your interest level in the women you strike conversations with.
Take very careful note that their response to you--including the subtle flirtation--is very likely the same as you've seen from other women who didn't float your proverbial boat as much.
From there, tell yourself it's okay to quit the excuses that have led to "failure to deploy" in the past.
Remember the simple logic we've covered today, and run with it from now on.
Stop looking for negative signs that just aren't there and acknowledge that you're having very similar interactions with most women you meet, regardless of how attractive you find them.
Start trusting what you plainly see, and stop psyching yourself out.
Incredibly, you may just find that the women you are most psyched about are actually EASIER to talk to because they're so eager to meet a guy who's not so afraid of them for a change.
Before you know it, you'll finally find yourself in the company of women you're genuinely excited to be with.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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What If You Only Attract Women You're NOT Attracted To?