I'm going to let you in on a powerful secret to being the man who is suddenly--even out of nowhere, possibly--THE guy who all the women in your social circle are somehow left thinking about all the time.
And what I'm about to show you will become even more powerful to know when women are NOT in their best frame of mind.
For it to work especially well in your favor, she can be a little peeved, frustrated, scared or even sad. It doesn't matter.
What is this magic skill?
It's how to hold a woman.
That's right. You've got to have skills when it comes to hugging women, basically.
Here's the deal.
In order to stand out among all the other guys in your social circle in the eyes of women you know, you've GOT to be that one guy who knows what it means to represent her "knight in shining armor".
I think you've heard about that one before. It's a fantasy that ALL WOMEN play in their head over and over again.
And when does a woman feel like she could USE a "knight in shining armor", anyway?
You guessed it.
When she's "in distress". When things aren't going so well.
Fortunately for you, knowing how to hold a woman will make you that guy she needs on the spot.
And it's easy to learn, meaning you can access your newfound skill on demand once you have it down.
So exactly why is knowing how to embrace a woman the key here?
First of all, as with all things related to women [Ed. note: Yes...I said "all"] safety and security are #1 on her mind.
When you show up with masculine confidence, your ability to inspire confidence in her is what separates you as a man who attracts women from those who scare 'em all away. (Even literally...as discussed above.)
Women who aren't having the best day want to be held, preferably BY A MAN.
But not just ANY man. It has to be by a man who genuinely has her best interests at heart.
Now if you're just trying to "get some" from women, don't expect to be their "go to guy" when they need a hug. She'll see through that 100% of the time.
So that's the first step. Free yourself of any needy "agenda" with regard to what actually getting to touch her might potentially lead to.
By the way, welcome to a big part of what women mean by "emotionally available". They mean "emotionally aware" and "able to express".
That's ALL they mean, too. It's not complicated.
No "crying over flowers" or anything like that. They're referring to a man who takes charge and gets it whenever emotions are considered.
When you know that a woman in your social circle is not having the best day, you can simply position yourself in front of her, gaze into her eyes and give her a compassionate look that shows you "get it".
Incredibly, you don't have to say a word.
When she looks back at you, all you do is open your arms...even just a bit. And that's where it all starts.
Sure, sometimes you may find yourself asking, simply, "What's wrong, [insert name here]?" If you inspire confidence as mentioned above, she'll pour out her heart to you, at least some.
When she's done, THEN you open your arms to her.
And when you hold her, you hold her with one arm around her shoulders and the other around the middle-to-lower part of her back.
Importantly...do not pat her on the back as you hold her.
Psychologically speaking, when someone pats you on the back when they hug you, it subcommunicates personal discomfort.
Think about it. The "bro hug" is invariably punctuated by big slaps on the back. That's because we guys really aren't so into hugging each other much, are we?
But the "pat on the back hug" also signals the same thing to women: discomfort. And if she senses you are UNcomfortable with COMFORTING her, I think you can fill in the blanks.
It's not going to end well for either of you.
It's also important to remember not to concern yourself with pressing your hips against hers or anything else that's a blatantly sexual move.
That said, hold her JUST A BIT more tightly than you might have guessed was okay. Don't "bear hug" her, but serve notice to her that this is a REAL HUG, not some mere "social grace" or whatever.
The last thing to remember is let her be the first to let go.
Don't shortchange her. Be PRESENT for as long as it takes.
And that's all there is to it.
From there, here's the magic: All you do is pay attention.
Is SHE slapping YOU on the back? If so, be extra careful about not coming off as sexually motivated just yet. It may not be that she's uncomfortable with YOU, it may be that she's uncomfortable with hugging you.
See the difference?
So hold it together and LEAD. Again, wait for her to let go. If she's not enjoying being held by you, she's either going to bail early or bail before even embracing you. Think about it.
On the other hand, is she holding you even more tightly than you are holding her?
Is she pressing her hips against yours now?
If so, either of these is a tremendously positive sign that she might be attracted.
At that point, you may wish to move your top hand to behind her head and rest her on your shoulder.
And YES, this is indeed a bona-fide iteration of David DeAngelo's notorious "kiss test". If you're touching her hair, you could theoretically kiss her.
If she still holds on, keep holding on also...as directed.
If she holds her body even closer to yours about ten seconds into the embrace, roll with it without flipping out. Again, keep your composure and remain focused on comforting her.
And if all of those checkboxes have been marked, here's the final coup de grace: WHEN you sense she's finally ready to let go, you kiss her on the forehead as you part from the embrace.
She'll probably look you in the eye and smile. She might thank you (which would say a lot about her character).
She MIGHT even go so far as to blatantly announce that you "give great hugs" or even that "that was the BEST hug EVER".
But "Oh...wow" is still the reigning champion in my mind as far as desired responses go.
And here's another thing...no matter how tempting it is to kiss her, don't.
You've come too far at this point to BLOW IT by turning this whole moment in that direction.
As "Seven Habits" guru Stephen Covey once said, "The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing." And the main thing here, at least for now, is to inspire confidence by comforting her.
After all, you've just successfully seared into her consciousness that YOU are a MAN to be reckoned with.
She WILL think about you constantly from now on, and she MAY even fantasize about marrying you.
Sound extreme? I've lost count of the number of times I've heard a woman say she knew a guy was "The One" from the moment they first embraced.
And like I've said before, you may not be ready to get married just yet and you're darn skippy not going to marry all the women you meet (and embrace).
But when you represent what quality women WANT in a great man, you instantly become the CHOOSER instead of the CHASER.
And you'll be able to CHOOSE which women in your social circle you'd like to spend more 1-on-1 quality time with if you know how to hold a woman properly.
Listen, I get it. I know how much stuff like "escalating kino" and giving women massive orgasms is drilled into your mind these days.
But knowing how to embrace a woman meaningfully is a lost art. And by "meaningful", I mean that it MEANS something TO HER.
And since what we're discussing here is a "lost art", a lot of us are LOSING when it comes to women.
I challenge you to take what I've shared with you here, knowing that nobody else is teaching this perspective, and put it to work for you.
If you do, I can assure you that you'll get an up close and personal object lesson in the VAST difference between being a MAN who is her "knight in shining armor" versus "just a friend" whose shoulder she can cry on.
There's a big, BIG difference between starting out as friends with women in your social circle and remaining "just friends".
And I just showed you a fantastically effective way to quarterback which direction things move in.
What do you think? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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How To Hold A Woman (And When)