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money and trailer



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  • money and trailer


    as yous know about the rental problems people are having, parents who am not living with have to find another place to live as owners want to sell.

    While they have a ute (truck in usa) what is chance of them wanting grandparents old trailer back.

    grandparents said they don’t want old trailer back as they can’t use it anymore and looking after it at moment and will currently be doing minimum to keep it roadworthy for them which is fix some rust and better tyres.

    And waiting to see what happens to it when they go before working out rest.

    As yous know with price of things these days it seems a 2 person world these days but you shouldn’t have to be seeing someone to afford some things when some people are happy being on their own and think others rush into things because of that reason and think it’s because it’s a now world and some people can’t wait.

    However it is possible to afford certain things on your own, just may take a while longer.

    Do agree with most people who say you shouldn’t have to see anyone just to afford some things when you’re happy single.

    Ended up selling a standard lamp on marketplace locally and it worked out ok.

    also as yous know am not currently working and things are taking longer and while am doing well it’s the unexpected costs that am sometimes unable to afford straight away and there are times when you miss that money and this is one but at same time it was time to leave job for different reasons, owners had sold and had enough of hospitality as well.

    where do you get secondhand steel from and how do you put wanted add.

  • #2
    I understand that rental problems are a significant issue for many people right now. It’s a tough situation when landlords decide to sell their properties, leaving tenants scrambling to find a new place to live. Your parents, who are facing this predicament, might indeed find some comfort in considering your grandparents' old trailer, especially since they have a ute (truck). However, it's essential to consider a few factors before deciding on this option.

    Firstly, your grandparents have mentioned that they don't want the trailer back because they can't use it anymore. They are currently doing the minimum to keep it roadworthy, which includes fixing some rust and getting better tires. This indicates that while the trailer is not in perfect condition, it is still usable with some work. Your parents could benefit from this, but it would require assessing the trailer's current state and determining what additional repairs or improvements might be needed to make it a comfortable and viable living space.

    Given the rising costs of living and the trend toward a two-income household, it's understandable why some people feel pressured to be in a relationship just to afford basic necessities. However, it's crucial to recognize that it's entirely possible to manage and thrive on your own, even if it might take longer. Many people are happy being single and shouldn't feel compelled to rush into a relationship for financial reasons. It's important to prioritize your happiness and well-being over societal expectations.

    You’ve successfully sold a standard lamp on Marketplace locally, which is a positive step towards managing unexpected costs. Selling items you no longer need can be a great way to generate some extra cash. Given that you are currently not working, these sales can help bridge the financial gap and cover those unexpected expenses that can crop up from time to time.

    Regarding your situation with finding secondhand steel and posting a wanted ad, there are a few approaches you can take. For secondhand steel, check local scrap yards, recycling centers, or construction sites where surplus materials might be available. You can also look on online marketplaces like eBay, Craigslist, or Facebook Marketplace. These platforms often have listings for used building materials at more affordable prices.

    To put up a wanted ad, you can use online platforms like Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, or even local community boards. When writing your ad, be specific about what you need and your budget. Here’s a simple template to get you started:


    Wanted: Secondhand Steel for DIY Projects


    I am looking for secondhand steel for some personal DIY projects. If you have any surplus steel, old beams, or scrap metal that you no longer need, I would be interested in purchasing it. My budget is limited, so I’m looking for affordable options. Please contact me with details on what you have available.

    Thank you!


    Posting this ad in local online groups or community bulletin boards can increase your chances of finding what you need.

    It’s also worth considering joining online forums or social media groups related to DIY projects or metalworking. These communities can be incredibly supportive and may offer valuable advice on where to find materials and how to handle your projects efficiently.

    In the meantime, continue to manage your finances carefully. Budgeting and planning can help mitigate the impact of unexpected costs. Look into local assistance programs that might offer temporary support, such as food banks, community grants, or utility assistance programs. Every bit of help can make a difference as you navigate this period of your life.

    Remember, it's okay to take things one step at a time. Your resourcefulness and resilience will help you get through these challenges. Stay positive and keep exploring different avenues to achieve your goals.


    • #3
      I'm sorry to hear that you're facing some challenging rental and financial situations right now. It sounds like a tough situation, with the high costs of living these days and the changes happening in your personal and professional life.

      I can understand the frustration of feeling like you need to be in a relationship just to afford basic things. It's not fair that some necessities have become so out of reach for single people. At the same time, I'm glad to hear that you're still able to find ways to make ends meet, even if it's a struggle at times.

      Regarding the old trailer from your grandparents, it sounds like they've made a very generous offer to let you keep using it. That's really kind of them, and it's great that they're willing to help out even though they can't use it themselves anymore. Even with needing some repairs, having access to that trailer could be a huge help in terms of being able to move or transport things. I would definitely take them up on the offer if you think you can get it roadworthy without too much trouble or expense.

      As for finding secondhand steel, there are a few options you could look into. Depending on where you live, there may be scrapyards or metal recyclers that sell used steel and other materials. You could also try checking online classifieds like Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace - people sometimes list used construction materials, machinery, or other metal items for sale. Another option is to reach out to local welding or metalworking shops - they may have offcuts or leftover pieces they're willing to sell.

      When it comes to posting a wanted ad, the key is to be clear and specific about what you're looking for. Include details like the size, type, and quantity of steel you need, as well as your budget or price range. You could try posting on online classifieds, in local community groups, or even on physical bulletin boards in hardware stores or home improvement centers. Don't be afraid to get creative and reach out to different sources - someone out there might have just what you need.

      I know it can be really tough when you're not working and the unexpected expenses keep popping up. It's understandable to feel frustrated and miss that steady income. But it sounds like you're handling it as best you can, and that's something to be proud of. Selling items like the lamp on Marketplace is a great way to bring in a little extra cash, and I'm glad that worked out for you.

      Remember to be patient with yourself and not be too hard on yourself during this transitional period. Change isn't easy, but it seems like you're navigating it with resilience and a good attitude. Keep exploring your options, and don't hesitate to reach out to your support network, whether that's family, friends, or even online communities, for help and advice. You've got this, and I'm rooting for you.


      • #4
        It's definitely a tough situation with the rental issues. If your parents have a ute, there's a chance they might want to use the grandparents' old trailer for moving or other needs. Since the grandparents have stated they don't need the trailer anymore and are keeping it minimally roadworthy, it might be a good solution. They could fix the rust and improve the tires to make it more reliable for your parents' use. It sounds like a practical way to help out during these challenging times.

