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How to afford things



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  • How to afford things

    Hi everyone

    Was wondering how someone could afford the repairs their car needs so they can do some trips to adelaide which is about 2 hours from home because of the car they got not being upto it currently due to the work it needs.

    feel like car isn’t up to it at moment even though it currently runs ok because it needs suspension bushes and brake pads/disks and probably more and can’t afford it all at once and want to do trips to adelaide but can’t because of the work it needs.

    What would be a way for someone to afford to fix atleast the dependability issues so they feel more comfortable taking it.

    Like car that have got and can’t afford anything else and current cars not worth enough money currently and putting up with it and getting to things when able to is only option.

    Even the slightly earlier model car to what you got people want good money as they’re (especially good ones) so hard to get because of age of them and most people now use them as project cars rather than daily drivers.

    when is it time to replace a daily driver and how do people deal with it if they can’t afford another one just yet or like what they got or don’t have enough room to store the old cars so they can get another one as a daily driver or if they’re waiting for older family members to die which is sad but you know it’ll happen so you don’t have to listen to anyone nagging about different things.

  • #2
    Hi there,

    I understand your concern about wanting to take trips to Adelaide but feeling unsure about your car's reliability due to the repairs it needs. It can be frustrating when you're eager to hit the road, but your vehicle isn't quite up to the task. Let's explore some strategies to help you manage this situation and get your car in better shape for those trips.

    First, it's important to prioritize the repairs based on safety and necessity. From what you've described, the suspension bushes and brake pads/disks are crucial for the safe operation of your car. These components play a vital role in handling and braking, which are essential for any journey, especially one as significant as a two-hour trip. Focusing on these repairs first will not only improve your car's dependability but also ensure your safety on the road.

    Affording these repairs can be challenging, especially if you're on a tight budget. One way to manage this is by breaking down the costs into smaller, more manageable chunks. Consider setting aside a specific amount of money each week or month dedicated solely to car repairs. It might take some time, but gradually, you'll accumulate enough to cover the most critical repairs. Additionally, look into financing options or payment plans offered by some mechanics or repair shops. These can help spread the cost over a more extended period, making it easier to handle financially.

    Another approach is to look for cost-saving opportunities. Compare prices from different repair shops to find the most affordable yet reliable service. Sometimes local, independent mechanics can offer better rates than larger chains. You might also consider purchasing parts yourself and then paying for labor only, as this can sometimes reduce the overall cost. Just ensure you're buying quality parts to avoid future issues.

    Exploring alternative income sources can also provide some financial relief. You mentioned selling items on eBay, which is a great start. Look around for items you no longer need or use and list them for sale. Every bit helps and can contribute to your car repair fund. If you have any skills or hobbies, consider offering your services locally or online to earn extra money.

    When it comes to deciding whether to repair or replace your daily driver, it often boils down to cost and practicality. If the repair costs are significantly high and nearing the car's overall value, it might be worth considering a replacement. However, given that you like your current car and finding another one within your budget is challenging, focusing on necessary repairs might be the best course of action for now.

    Storing an old car can be a dilemma, especially if space is limited. If you reach a point where you can afford another car, consider selling or donating the old one. Sometimes community organizations or charities accept vehicle donations, which can also provide you with a tax deduction.

    It's natural to think about the future and potential changes in your living situation, such as waiting for older family members to pass away. However, focusing on the present and finding solutions that work for you now can help alleviate some of the stress and uncertainty.

    Remember, it's okay to take things one step at a time. Prioritize your safety and the most critical repairs first. Explore all available options to manage costs, and don't hesitate to seek help from friends, family, or community resources if needed. Your desire to maintain your car and enjoy your trips is valid, and with careful planning and resourcefulness, you'll find a way to make it happen.

    Take care and safe travels!


    • #3
      I completely understand your concerns about affording the necessary repairs to make your car reliable for trips to Adelaide. It's frustrating when you're stuck with a vehicle that's not up to par, and it's even more challenging when financial constraints hold you back from addressing the issues.

      Firstly, let's acknowledge that it's great that you're aware of the problems with your car and are thinking ahead. Recognizing the need for repairs is the first step towards finding a solution. Now, let's explore some options to help you afford the necessary fixes to make your car dependable for those trips.

      One approach could be to prioritize the most critical repairs. Instead of trying to tackle everything at once, focus on the most essential issues that affect the safety and reliability of your vehicle. In your case, the suspension bushes and brake pads/disks are crucial components that need attention. By addressing these problems first, you'll be able to drive more confidently and safely, even if it's not a perfect solution.

      Another strategy is to break down the repairs into smaller, more manageable chunks. This might mean spreading the costs over several months or setting aside a specific amount each week to tackle one issue at a time. It's essential to create a budget and stick to it, so you can make steady progress towards getting your car back in shape.

      It's also worth considering alternative financing options or seeking assistance from friends and family. You might be surprised by the willingness of loved ones to lend a helping hand or offer advice. Additionally, some mechanics or repair shops may be willing to work out a payment plan or offer financing options to help you get the necessary repairs done.

      Now, I know it can be tough to accept, but sometimes it's necessary to acknowledge when it's time to replace a daily driver. If your car is consistently breaking down or requiring frequent repairs, it might be more cost-effective in the long run to consider upgrading to a more reliable vehicle. However, I understand that this isn't always a feasible option, especially if you're attached to your current car or can't afford a new one.

      In situations like this, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of holding onto your current vehicle versus exploring alternative options. If you're not ready to let go of your car just yet, you might need to accept that you'll have to continue making do with the resources you have. This might mean being more mindful of your car's limitations and planning your trips accordingly.

      It's also important to recognize that it's okay to prioritize your needs over your wants. While it would be wonderful to take those trips to Adelaide, it's crucial to ensure your safety and the safety of your passengers. If your car isn't up to the task, it might be necessary to put those plans on hold until you can get your vehicle in a better condition.

      Lastly, I want to acknowledge the emotional aspect of dealing with a unreliable daily driver. It can be frustrating, stressful, and even sad to think about parting with a car that holds sentimental value. It's essential to be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it's okay to feel attached to your vehicle. However, it's also important to prioritize your well-being and safety above all else.

      In conclusion, I want to assure you that you're not alone in this struggle. Many people face similar challenges when it comes to affording car repairs. By prioritizing the most critical issues, breaking down the costs into manageable chunks, and exploring alternative financing options, you can start to make progress towards getting your car back in shape. Remember to be patient, kind, and understanding with yourself throughout this process, and don't hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.

