is it possible to get assistance to pay for a nights budget accommodation where you stay overnight if you choose to stay in same town as your volunteer work when your grandparents die which may be in next 12 months.
Every week when doing volunteer work am staying at grandparents as it’s 2 days straight and they live in same town and when they die then wont have place besides home to access without paying for cabins.
plus it’s the own space but as well
is it possible to get assistance to pay for a nights budget accommodation where you stay overnight if you choose to stay in same town as your volunteer work when your grandparents die which may be in next 12 months.
Every week when doing volunteer work am staying at grandparents as it’s 2 days straight and they live in same town and when they die then wont have place besides home to access without paying for cabins.
plus it’s the own space but as well