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  • friends


    was also wondering how else and where you could find more and different friends where you do stuff with them, it seems in the current group that its always someone else that does the organising and would like to have a turn and the only friends you got are too busy when you want to do it (though havent asked yet) and it would be nice to have more friends where you do things and go out for meals with and take turns organising.

    have thought of meetup site but yet to try it.

    what could be done to make it happen instant.

    am glad to finally be out hospitality where you can finally have a life, though am realising that it hasent been long since have been out of hospitality and that these things are just going to take time.

    things are looking better now that am out of hospitality but however accepted that not everything is going to happen overnight and its not going to quickly fall into place.

    miss driving longer distances but car currently isnt upto it

  • #2
    how would you find a friend to dress up with and go out with besides what you said before.

    how do you instantly find a girl.

    seen a girl you know on fb with someone and you’re realising and want to do it and it’s taking so long and it doesn’t help when staying in a old job longer than wanting to.

    How do you have girl company and meet more without spending hundreds on a escort or companion or hire a girlfriend whatever you want to call it.

    Also am wondering how else besides what you said you could get someone that you know or a friend or a friend of a friend to introduce you or ask a friend or a friend of a friend or a friend of someone you know out.

    Would there be a way to do meet younger people by going out without apps.

    plus car isn’t upto adelaide trips at moment.


    • #3
      Is there other ways besides what you said to meet girls and people your age that’s not apps and online and why does everyone do that now or it seems


      • #4
        It sounds like you're in a period of transition—out of hospitality and looking to expand your social circles and experiences. You’re also feeling a mix of patience and urgency in wanting things to come together. While it's clear you’re eager to find new friends and maybe someone special, there are ways to make this process more enjoyable without too much pressure.

        Finding Friends and Expanding Your Social Circle When it comes to meeting new friends, especially people who want to take turns organizing activities, it’s understandable to want more balance. If the current group you hang out with doesn’t give you a chance to organize, it might feel like you’re missing out on the fun of planning. You mentioned that you haven't asked your current friends yet, so a great first step might be communicating that you'd like to take a turn organizing something. Sometimes, others don’t realize you’re interested in planning until you say it.

        However, if your friends are too busy when you’d like to do something, expanding your social network can bring fresh opportunities. You mentioned Meetup, which is a great start because it connects you with people who share specific interests. Another thing you could try is joining local clubs or classes (sports, hobby groups, fitness classes, or even workshops). Not only does this help you meet new people, but you can also bond over a shared activity, which makes friendship-building easier.

        Building Friendships Instantly Unfortunately, there's no magic button to make friendships happen instantly, but you can increase your chances by being proactive. Instead of waiting for others to organize something, you can take initiative and organize something yourself, like a casual meal or an activity you enjoy. Putting yourself out there regularly will create more opportunities for those friendships to form. A key here is consistency—over time, the more you show up, the more people will see you as someone they can bond with.

        Female Companionship When it comes to finding female company without spending a lot of money, I understand the frustration, especially when you feel like the process is dragging out. Finding a genuine connection takes time, but being open and patient will make the experience more rewarding. If you're not into apps, meeting people in real life can happen in a variety of places—through social groups, at events, or even casual places like coffee shops, gyms, or community centers. Volunteering is another great way to meet people who might share your values.

        If you’re curious about meeting someone younger, consider joining mixed-age groups where people naturally gather for activities you enjoy. Local clubs, interest groups, or even art and music festivals are great ways to organically meet people across age groups without feeling like you need to use apps.

        How to Meet a Girl Without Online Apps You asked about how to instantly find a girl, but meaningful relationships often develop over time. Meeting someone without apps is definitely possible, but it often requires getting involved in community activities, meeting friends of friends, or even exploring hobbies that naturally draw people together. When you attend events where you’re comfortable and engaged, you’re more likely to attract people who resonate with you.

        If you have friends who are in relationships, you can casually mention that you're open to meeting someone new. People love playing matchmaker, and being introduced to someone through a friend often comes with a level of trust already in place. It might feel daunting to bring this up, but being open about what you want—whether it’s more friendships or female company—can lead to opportunities.

        Accepting the Pace of Change I completely understand your feelings of frustration about wanting things to move faster, especially when you've seen others around you settle into relationships or when you've stayed in a job longer than you wanted. It can sometimes feel like life is moving at a snail's pace when you're ready for change. But you're also wise to recognize that things don’t fall into place overnight.

        Be gentle with yourself as you transition out of hospitality and into this next chapter. It’s clear you're on the right track by being proactive and thinking about how to take charge of your social life. Take each step as it comes, and trust that by staying open, new friendships and opportunities will come naturally.


        • #5
          I totally get where you're coming from! It sounds like you're feeling a bit stuck in your social life, and you're eager to meet new people, make friends, and even find a romantic partner. I'm here to help you explore some options and offer some advice to get you started.

          Firstly, it's great that you're recognizing the importance of taking turns in organizing social activities with your current friends. It's essential to have a sense of balance and shared responsibility in any friendship. However, it's also understandable that you might feel like you're not getting the opportunity to take the lead or plan activities that you're interested in. This is where expanding your social circle can come in handy.

          You've mentioned, which is an excellent platform to explore. Meetup allows you to connect with people who share similar interests and hobbies, making it easier to find like-minded individuals. You can join groups that align with your passions, attend events, and meet new people in a relaxed setting. Give it a try, and see how it goes!

          Now, let's talk about finding friends who share your enthusiasm for trying new things, going out for meals, and taking turns organizing activities. One approach is to join clubs or groups that focus on specific interests, such as hiking, book clubs, or sports teams. This way, you'll be surrounded by people who share your passions, making it easier to form connections.

          Another strategy is to volunteer for causes you care about. Not only will you meet like-minded individuals, but you'll also be doing something meaningful for your community. You can search for volunteer opportunities through local organizations or websites like VolunteerMatch.

          Regarding finding a friend to dress up with and go out with, you might consider attending events or gatherings that align with your interests. For example, if you love music, attend concerts or music festivals. If you're into fashion, look for fashion events or exhibitions in your area. These settings can provide a great opportunity to meet people who share your interests.

          Now, about finding a romantic partner... It's understandable that you might feel frustrated when you see others around you in relationships. However, it's essential to focus on your own personal growth and development rather than comparing yourself to others. Instead of trying to find someone instantly, focus on building a fulfilling life, pursuing your passions, and becoming the best version of yourself. This will make you more attractive to others, and you'll be more likely to attract someone who shares your values and interests.

          As for meeting girls or people your age without using apps, there are several ways to do so. You can try attending social events, joining clubs or groups, volunteering, or taking classes that interest you. These settings provide a natural opportunity to meet new people and form connections.

          Regarding getting someone you know or a friend to introduce you to someone, it's definitely worth asking! Sometimes, our friends or acquaintances can be a great resource in helping us meet new people. Don't be afraid to ask your friends if they know someone they think you might get along with.

          Lastly, I want to address your concern about not being able to take trips to Adelaide due to your car's condition. While it might be challenging to meet new people in person, you can still connect with others online or through phone calls. You can join online communities or forums related to your interests and engage with others who share your passions.

          In conclusion, I want to reassure you that building a social life and finding meaningful connections takes time and effort. It's essential to be patient, focus on your personal growth, and explore different opportunities to meet new people. Don't be discouraged if things don't happen overnight – keep working on yourself, and the right people will come into your life.

          Remember, it's okay to take things at your own pace, and it's essential to prioritize your own happiness and fulfillment. You got this!

