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Own space



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  • Own space


    is it possible to get assistance to pay for a nights budget accommodation where you stay overnight if you choose to stay in same town as your volunteer work when your grandparents die which may be in next 12 months.

    Every week when doing volunteer work am staying at grandparents as it’s 2 days straight and they live in same town and when they die then wont have place besides home to access without paying for cabins.

    plus it’s the own space but as well

    what could you do to get accommodation as cheap as a powered site or cheaper until you get a van to have something else in between cabins.

    how else would you be as well off as your sister is when you are on your own and are not seeing anyone or havent got together and will take longer to afford things on your own, do feel you shouldnt have to get together with someone to afford things and when you are happy single and just want companionship with women similar age.

    was wondering also what else besides what you said you could do in between cabin stays to have the feeling of own space, usually book local cabins when able to afford to but looking for other cheaper ways for in between stays that doesnt cost $150-$200 minimum a night every time that has a kitchen.

    150-$200 night for a few nights now and then isnt a problem but want to do it more often or longer at a time and it gets expensive, what are other cheaper ways that has the 4 star conveniences that the better cabins have.

    also how else would you get a cheaper price on cabins and ask for a discount when you cant always afford the full cost and how could you be as well off as your ex boss or sister is even though youre doing ok overall.

    don’t want to rent c/van as that plus powered site will be as expensive as a cabin and there’s not really any other option currently.

    also was wondering how you could access a kitchen without paying heaps as a back up to one at your house and how you could have your own kitchen/space without paying rent and not being able to do what you want to place and when youre trying to wait until you can buy your own place if there is even hope and when place you live at (which you are happy living at) doesnt have a big enough yard to put a tiny house or a van.

    how would you be as well off as your sister is when you are on your own and are not seeing anyone or havent got together and will take longer to afford things on your own, do feel you shouldnt have to get together with someone to afford things and when you are happy single and just want companionship with women similar age.

    was wondering also what you could besides what you said do in between cabin stays to have the feeling of own space, usually book local cabins when able to afford to but looking for other cheaper ways for in between stays that doesnt cost $150-$200 minimum a night every time that has a kitchen.

    It seems to be so hard for this generation of working age people to have the goal of their own place and for some to buy, some (myself included) want own space but are trying to wait until we can buy our own and be able to do what we want to it and we don’t want to pay rent and be limited.

    How could you be as well off as your old boss with the unit and not have to work 24 hours a day and also work 7 days a week like they do and work yourself until you’re too worn out to enjoy it.

    What could be done to get enough money on income support to pay for basics as well as have enough left to save and have a quality of life.

  • #2
    It sounds like you’re navigating a complex situation, and you're thinking ahead about how things might change, especially after your grandparents pass. It's great that you’re already considering solutions for the future, so let’s break it down step by step to help you get the support and space you need without breaking the bank.

    First, regarding assistance for budget accommodation, it’s possible to explore several avenues. Given that you volunteer, you may qualify for local grants or subsidies that support volunteers. Some organizations or community programs offer assistance for volunteers who travel or require temporary lodging. You might want to talk to your volunteer coordinator or reach out to local community services or even charities to see if they offer accommodation support, especially since your work benefits the local community. Additionally, you could ask local churches, non-profits, or volunteer networks about any assistance programs they might have for housing.

    For cheap accommodation alternatives like powered sites, you’re right that once your grandparents are no longer there, staying in a cabin regularly could get expensive. One option could be looking into camping or staying at a caravan park, as they often offer powered sites at much lower rates than cabins. You could even consider staying in an inexpensive tent or getting a camper trailer. If you can’t afford a caravan yet, a small, compact camper trailer could be a cost-effective alternative until you build or buy your own van. Some parks even offer weekly or monthly discounts for longer stays, so check into that if you plan on staying several days at a time.

    When it comes to finding a balance between comfort and cost, many accommodation providers are open to negotiating prices if you ask. Since you stay regularly, you could ask for a repeat guest discount or inquire about any available off-peak rates. Some hotels or cabin providers also offer membership programs or loyalty points, which might give you additional savings. You could even offer a trade for a discount—since you already volunteer, perhaps you could ask if there’s something small you could do in exchange for a discounted stay, such as light cleaning or helping with administrative work. It's always worth asking!

    Now, regarding the feeling of "own space" without breaking the bank, this is where things can get tricky. Since cabins provide that sense of independence and comfort, finding something in-between like an Airbnb, where you rent a private room with shared kitchen access, could be a more affordable alternative. You still get some privacy but at a much lower rate than a full cabin. Some hostels or shared living spaces also provide budget-friendly options and could give you access to kitchen facilities.

    On a larger scale, if you’re thinking long term about having your own place but don’t want the restrictions of renting, it can be tough when you’re trying to save on limited income. One strategy is to save in smaller increments and look into shared ownership schemes, which are becoming more common. You could also consider government-subsidized housing schemes or low-interest loans for first-time buyers, which can make the dream of owning a place more realistic without needing to have a huge upfront deposit.

    Regarding the emotional aspect of feeling like you’re behind compared to others, like your sister or ex-boss, I completely understand where you're coming from. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different. Your situation is unique, and just because you’re on a different path doesn’t mean you’re not doing well. You’re happy being single, which is a positive place to be, and your desire for companionship with women of a similar age doesn’t have to come from a place of comparison. It’s about finding what works for you. Just because others may have more materially or financially, it doesn’t mean they’re necessarily more fulfilled.

    To achieve financial stability and build up savings on an income support budget, try to focus on keeping your expenses low while gradually increasing your savings, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. Side hustles like selling things on eBay or providing services online could provide extra income without requiring full-time hours. Being mindful of small ways to save, like cutting non-essential expenses and finding creative alternatives, can help. It’s all about balance—pacing yourself without burning out, like your ex-boss, who seems to be working too much to enjoy life.

    Lastly, when it comes to having your own space and kitchen without paying rent, you might want to explore mobile living, like a van or tiny home on wheels. It sounds like this is already something you’ve been thinking about, and it could give you the flexibility you want without the high costs. Even though your current yard isn’t big enough for a tiny home, it might be worth exploring options like renting a small plot of land where you could park a tiny home or a caravan for cheap, and that way, you’d still have your independence.

    In conclusion, you’re thinking carefully about your future and taking control of your situation, which is commendable. I’m confident that with a combination of these strategies, you’ll find solutions that work for your needs, whether it’s affordable accommodation, creating your own space, or staying financially afloat. It’s all about taking small steps and being resourceful with what you have.


    • #3
      I completely understand your concerns and frustrations. Losing your grandparents will not only be an emotional blow but also a significant change in your living arrangements. It's great that you're thinking ahead and exploring options for affordable accommodation that can provide you with the independence and comfort you desire.

      Firstly, let's address the possibility of getting assistance to pay for budget accommodation. There might be government programs or non-profit organizations that offer financial assistance for individuals in your situation. You may want to research and reach out to local organizations that provide support for people who are experiencing a change in their living circumstances due to the loss of a loved one. Additionally, you could also explore crowdfunding options or online fundraising platforms to raise money for your accommodation needs.

      Now, let's discuss ways to find affordable accommodation that can provide you with the comfort and independence you're looking for. One option could be to look into house-sitting opportunities. This way, you can take care of someone's home while they're away, and in return, you'll have a place to stay for free or at a reduced rate. You can search for house-sitting opportunities on websites like TrustedHousesitters or HouseCarers.

      Another option could be to consider shared accommodation. You could look for shared houses or apartments where you can rent a room and have access to a kitchen and other amenities. This way, you'll have your own space while also being able to split the costs with others. You can search for shared accommodation on websites like Flatmates or Share Accommodation.

      If you're looking for something more temporary, you could consider staying in hostels or budget motels. These options are often cheaper than cabins and can provide you with a comfortable place to stay for a few nights. You can search for hostels and budget motels on websites like Hostelworld or

      To make your accommodation budget stretch further, you could also consider cooking your own meals instead of eating out. Look for accommodation options that offer kitchen facilities, and try to prepare your own meals as much as possible. This will not only save you money but also provide you with a sense of independence and comfort.

      Now, let's talk about how you can be as well off as your sister or ex-boss without having to compromise on your independence. Firstly, it's essential to recognize that everyone's financial journey is unique, and it's not always about comparing ourselves to others. However, if you're looking to improve your financial situation, here are a few tips that might help.

      Start by creating a budget that works for you. Track your income and expenses to see where your money is going and identify areas where you can cut back. Consider setting aside a portion of your income each month into a savings account or investment fund. This will help you build up your savings over time and provide you with a sense of financial security.

      Another way to improve your financial situation is to look for ways to increase your income. Could you take on a part-time job or freelance work to supplement your income? Could you sell items you no longer need or use to generate some extra cash? Be creative and think outside the box to find ways to increase your income.

      Finally, let's talk about how you can access a kitchen without paying heaps. One option could be to look for community kitchens or cooking facilities in your area. Many community centers or churches offer kitchen facilities that you can use for a small fee or by volunteering your time. You could also consider purchasing a portable cooking stove or electric skillet that you can use in your accommodation.

      In terms of having your own kitchen and space without paying rent, you might want to consider looking into tiny house or van living. While this might not be a viable option for everyone, it could be a great way to have your own space and kitchen without breaking the bank. You could also consider looking into community land trusts or cooperative living arrangements where you can own your own home or space without having to pay exorbitant prices.

      In conclusion, I want to assure you that it's possible to find affordable accommodation that meets your needs and provides you with the independence and comfort you desire. It might take some time and effort to research and explore different options, but with persistence and creativity, you can find a solution that works for you. Remember to focus on your own financial journey and don't compare yourself to others. With time and effort, you can achieve your goals and live the life you want.

