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    was also wondering beside what you lot said before how else and where you could find more and different friends where you do stuff with them and a friend.

    have thought of meetup site but yet to try it.

    what could be done to make it happen instant.

    am glad to finally be out hospitality where you can finally have a life, though am realising that it hasent been long since have been out of hospitality and that these things are just going to take time, have pretty much accepted that it’s only been less than a year since being out and that it’ll take time.

    things are looking better now that am out of hospitality but however accepted that not everything is going to happen overnight and its not going to quickly fall into place.

    miss driving longer distances but car currently isnt upto it and cant afford all the repairs at once and cant do many trips if any until its all done to have extra dependability that youd get on something better or a restored older car.

    how would you find a friend to dress up with and go out with besides what you said before.

    how do you instantly find a girl.

    seen a girl you know on fb with someone and you’re realising and want to do it and it’s taking so long and it doesn’t help when staying in a old job longer than wanting to.

    How do you have girl company and meet more without spending hundreds on a escort or companion or hire a girlfriend whatever you want to call it.

    Also am wondering how else besides what you said you could get someone that you know or a friend or a friend of a friend to introduce you or ask a friend or a friend of a friend or a friend of someone you know out.

    Would there be a way to do meet younger people by going out without apps.

    Is there other ways besides what you said to meet girls and people your age that’s not apps and online and why does everyone do that now or it seems.

    It would be nice to be able to go somewhere out the area but can’t at moment because of cars condition until the things are done unless going with someone or using their car even though driving isn’t a problem

    Also what is reasons why there’s often cars at wreckers that look too good to be there.

    Wouldn’t have thought that also having a rough looking car that is ok for roads is a problem providing it is

  • #2
    also wondered how youd sell a car or van or help someone sell one when you dont have any to sell or have family or friends that need help, an nearly 40 and havent done anything with that area yet and many others would have at only half the age plus dont have the space to flip sales, many of you know that have stayed too long in a job and am now paying for it and probably will be for quite some time, think thats why workers today dont stay in jobs and move on as soon as they know its time

