My boyfriend and I have been together for over two years. I was okay with him watching porn at first... Until I realized how often it was and that it was happening for hours while I was at home. That hurt. That destroyed me. It now destroys me that he still watches it, but hides it. I'm hoping it's mostly when I'm not home but then what? Does he just wait till I leave to 'get away with it' then act like I'm so perfect and the only one for him once I arrive back home? Meanwhile.. His hands he's touching me with and the eyes he's looking at me with have not belonged to me... They are tainted and nasty with traces of the women who were better than me.. It's tainted.. It's all tainted. 98% of our fights are based on my self esteem from his porn.
He denies, denies, denies.. I'm not stupid. I have even offered to watch it together.
The thing that hurts the most is him hiding it from me.. Even when he's caught.. The lies. What else will he lie about? Example: Future bachelor parties.. Am I to actually believe there were no lap dances? Yeah right.
I love him so much, I don't want to break it off. It is pathetic and sad, but it makes me want to put an loaded gun in my mouth and end it all. I hurt all the time. I cry all the time. I used to be a beautiful, happy, confident woman and now I am just a piece of sh** anxious, needy girlfriend. He deserves someone he can be honest with about this stuff.
It sounds outrageous and that's why I'm venting here and not 'crying for help' to someone I know...I really don't want to live anymore. I can't live like this. My heart is broken and I can't live without him. I'm in limbo. I'm a wreck.
For God's sake, I used to watch porn all the time.... I just can't take him hiding it and lying.... That changes that whole thing. It doesn't make it a "man innocently exploring porn"... It makes it "dishonest and cheating".
He doesn't get that and he clearly doesn't care enough about how much it hurts me. If he did, he would really not look at it any longer or at least be honest with me about it or try to help me become comfortable with it. I've caught him red handed and he will STILL lie to my face and swear on anyones life.
I know 99,9% of men watch it.... how do other women handle it? Why can't I handle it?
I hate myself. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to die and I want him to live on being happy. WTF has happened to me? What is wrong with me now????
How do I get over this? How?
He denies, denies, denies.. I'm not stupid. I have even offered to watch it together.
The thing that hurts the most is him hiding it from me.. Even when he's caught.. The lies. What else will he lie about? Example: Future bachelor parties.. Am I to actually believe there were no lap dances? Yeah right.
I love him so much, I don't want to break it off. It is pathetic and sad, but it makes me want to put an loaded gun in my mouth and end it all. I hurt all the time. I cry all the time. I used to be a beautiful, happy, confident woman and now I am just a piece of sh** anxious, needy girlfriend. He deserves someone he can be honest with about this stuff.
It sounds outrageous and that's why I'm venting here and not 'crying for help' to someone I know...I really don't want to live anymore. I can't live like this. My heart is broken and I can't live without him. I'm in limbo. I'm a wreck.
For God's sake, I used to watch porn all the time.... I just can't take him hiding it and lying.... That changes that whole thing. It doesn't make it a "man innocently exploring porn"... It makes it "dishonest and cheating".
He doesn't get that and he clearly doesn't care enough about how much it hurts me. If he did, he would really not look at it any longer or at least be honest with me about it or try to help me become comfortable with it. I've caught him red handed and he will STILL lie to my face and swear on anyones life.
I know 99,9% of men watch it.... how do other women handle it? Why can't I handle it?
I hate myself. I don't want to be here anymore. I want to die and I want him to live on being happy. WTF has happened to me? What is wrong with me now????
How do I get over this? How?
