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Does she like me? Confused?

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  • Does she like me? Confused?

    I work with this girl. I fancied her and found out randomly she liked me. I messaged her and got her number, we chatted for a few weeks and where meant to go on a date. But she cancelled last minute, I was cool about it. A few days later she txt me saying she felt uncomfortable with the work thing, her being new etc. This was 3 months ago. 2 weeks ago I started bumping into her again, and we kept on making eye contact across the room, and her being flirty towards me when we where round other people. I thought I still like her, she still likes me. I decided I would add her on Insta that week just to show a bit of interest and create that online tension. That evening she adds me on insta ! A few days later I casually asked her out again, but she said no, with a smiley face emoji after? Again I played it cool and jokingly said I knew she was interested. The day after she see's me across the court yard on my phone, and jokingly shouts to me am I asking her out again. I cross her again that day from a far and she just stairs with a big smile on her face. A few days later, she sends me a funny emoji message DM commenting on a pic. We chat, she even ditched her work colleagues to come talk to me after work, it's super easy, she'll touch my arm occasionally etc. I've been a bit stand offish and we didn't communicate for a week. then she sends me another message asking for advice about something. Anyway when ever I let go and move away, she comes around the corner or does something to gain my attention. We where on whattsapp yesterday and towards the end of the conversation she changed her profile pic, to one where she look really cute. So I ended the conversation with 'ps pic looks stunning' No reply?She's a Virgo I've heard there really hard to read and pre cautious in relationships.
    I wouldn't usual care, I just get a good feeling. Is she interested or am I reading it wrong?

  • #2
    It's really obvious that she is interested in you, however, she is giving you mixed signal.

    I will advice you stop asking her out and cut all contact with her completely. So that when you eventually start talking to her after a long time she will be more open to date you.

    The fact is that if you allow her to continue flirting with you without giving you a chance to date her, she might eventually friend zone you. I know you don't want that to happen!

    Best wishes.


    • #3

      Nothing gives ANY of us more unnecessary heart palpitations, sleepless nights or restless moments than thinking that someone we like is interested....yet, not knowing 100% for
      sure. But hey, isn't that part of the fun and excitement of new love? It is for me! Women LOVE this phase of a relationship and the newness and excitement is just starting to brew...You can cut the tension with a knife, and there is sort of constant companion of a butterfly in the bottom of your tummy! You can't WAIT to see him next, where is he going to be and how do you make sure you "accidentally" show up when he is.

      Of course, about half of the time, if not more...the guy will just never make the first move. Does she like me or is it all in my head? And while some chalk it up to the gods of fate or what is or is not meant to be, I chalk it up to the fact that most of the time, you guys are worried that you are mistaking those signs that she is sending you as something less powerful than her undivided attention in getting to know YOU better!

      Here are a couple no brainers for you boys - consider them an early Christmas gift from someone who wants to see you get lucky with that beautiful woman you've got your eyes on!

      Does she show off that strong feminine maternal instinct when you are around? If she likes feeding you - she digs you. If she EVER cooks for you....she's thinking about you before she closes her eyes at night..even if you are JUST friends..:-) Does she talk to you about her girl friends? How about ask you advice on just about anything.....More likely that not, she like you too!

      OK - this is for you guys who only are admiring a woman from a distance, and THINK she is checking you out but aren't sure. You've got to LEARN her body language! If she makes
      eye contact with you from across a crowded office...A college campus or busy bar, and it happens more than ONCE, there is no such thing as coincidence or happenstance here, guys. She WANTS you to come over and say hi.

      Remember, be confident, be funny and all of the other things we have talked about, and you are going to get EXACTLY what you've been hoping for...And so will she!

