There is a personal trainer in my gym who has been flirty with me since months. At the beginning he just smiled, stared at me a lot, I smiled, stared back, now he is getting more obvious like started winking at me, saying hi, asking how I am doing, but he never really approached me. He is smiling, winking at me even when he is with clients, never misses an opportunity to say hi or goodbye to me, so he is aware when I am arriving/leaving but all this attention started like 2 months ago, before we just ignored each other, never even said hi. He is not very friendly with other gym members, rather reserved, I even asked one of my male friend about him he also think he is rather serious. I am not sure what should I make out of this? Is he just being flirty because this is how trainers are or he is interested, since he is getting more obvious in flirting? What do you think?
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Is he interested or just being flirty?
No way to know. He could just be doing that because as a trainer he is supposed to make the customers feel good. He may do it more with you because he has gotten to know you a little more than the others. If you are a hot chick with a hot body he may also to it more than with others.
1. If he is confident and interested he will ask you out.
2. If he is half-gutless he will ask you out in a wishy-washy way. That is an indication of insecurity and low confidence, so you should decline
3. If he is gutless then he ask won't at all, don't want a gutless guy asking you out anyway
In either of the second two options it will go "side-ways" if you go out with him, it will cause drama, and you will have to pick a different gym.
Zara, Why not ask your friend to approach him and ask him if he is interested in you? You can have the friend tell him you are not in a relationship and receptive to him putting the make on you. This may build up his self confidence to get closer to you. he sounds like a virgin who is lacking self confidence. probably unsure how to put the make on a girl since no prior experience. virgins need coaxing and help from another guy.