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How To Make Everything Female Love You



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  • How To Make Everything Female Love You

    So this weekend I went on a hike with a friend and a bunch of her friends (who I didn't know).

    I hit it off amazingly with a girl. Halfway though the hike, one of the guys refers to her as 'babe' and only then did I realize they were a couple... I mean, this girl was flirting with me the whole time up until then.

    I even pulled a "Superman" with her by catching her when she'd lost her balance and was going to take a nasty 50 foot drop. It was, as you put it, "movie quality" stuff.

    So after I realize they're together I give her room and start hanging out with some of the other people on the trip. But for the last 1/4 of the hike, she was back--and she'd been the one to come to me.

    Over the last two years I've become the kind of guy with "quality problems" such as this one (much of the credit for that goes to you).

    I have options, I'm not desperate, and I don't want to break them up--that's out of the question. I would, however, like to keep my foot in the door. Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Hello Roy,

    Ah yes...a "high quality problem" indeed. Perhaps yours could arguably be considered the highest quality problem possible, which I'll elaborate upon.

    But first things first: You are absolutely correct in not wanting to break those two up.

    To do that would openly demonstrate a distinct lack of character.

    Ultimately, lacking character is one of the most poisonous ways to kill your ability to deserve great women. It has a way of catching up with you, sort of like eating a dozen Krispy Kremes a day for a few weeks in a row.

    Nonetheless, and perhaps ironically, you're going to find that as you become more and more of the kind of man who represents to women what they really want you'll see situations like this more and more.

    For lack of a more subtle description, everything female will start loving you.

    And this doesn't necessarily have to be an overtly sexual thing.

    Girl's moms love you. Grandmas love you. Your two-year old twin nieces love you. Heck, in my life Emily's dog (which is female) even loves me. She's horribly jealous of Emily.

    There's just something about masculinity that femininity cannot resist.

    This, among other things, is why little girls absolutely do need dads.

    When my oldest daughter was very young, she'd greet me when I came home from work by racing to the door and literally leaping upward into my arms.

    With every fiber of her being she trusted that I would catch her... which I did, every single time. Nowadays, my younger daughter,

    who is now four, does the exact same thing.

    Given even minimal thought, all of this makes perfect sense. A real man brings an aura of safety and protection. He conveys a sense of order and purpose.

    He knows what he believes. And since his character is built on that solid foundation he is consistent, trustworthy and reliable to "deploy" with impeccable precision.

    Simply put, when a MAN is around women feel real comfort. They know that things will be handled.

    Fear evaporates. Bitterness and frustration are forgotten.

    As such, they feel secure and able to convey the warmth and joy that they so want the freedom to both enjoy and give away...probably to you.

    And yes, the combination of all those things is also what drives intense sexual attraction when appropriate, accompanied by the freedom to express it and new found passion in doing so. Nice.

    Therefore, this female friend of yours really couldn't help being drawn to you.

    After all, you consistently demonstrated a textbook example of what I've described above...even when saving her from a disastrous misstep.

    The "problem" is hers and her boyfriend's, frankly. You are who you are, and make no apologies. What...were you going to let her fall 50 feet into an abyss, lest her boyfriend be upstaged?

    Of course not.

    And where was her boyfriend when she most needed him, anyway?

    Order. Safety. Character.

    You mentioned Superman, and that's a valid analogy. Women want a hero. (Although I trust you're wearing real pants instead of tights.)

    You've provided a clear demonstration, and I've now explained the concept in words that any man can understand.

    So as for keeping the door open, don't even worry about it. You need not act in any shady or underhanded way trying to steal her from her boyfriend or something...either directly or indirectly.

    When she breaks up with this guy (which may be sooner than later now that she can put a finger on what's lacking there) she'll come find you. There's no need to push the issue.


    • #3
      It is sad how so many average guys believe that some girls are out of their league, merely because those girls are pretty. These guys believe that such girls are unattainable for them, but this is never the case.

      Even average guys can get the girl of their dreams with the use of subtle techniques of psychology to re-structure the female thought processes. With such esoteric techniques, any guy can make girls see him as attractive. Read on to discover how to use these techniques for your personal pleasure.

      How To Get Girls To Fall For You - 2 Techniques Of Female Domination

      Technique Number One: Hold the power. Girls usually hold the power whenever relationships start out and, within those early stages, guys tend to be more vulnerable. The minute a girl realizes that a guy likes her, things change. Therefore, you will obviously have to avoid giving that power to a girl from the start.

      You can avoid giving girls the power by being a little indifferent and very subtle at the same time. Do not shower her with compliments and try to keep a cold distance from her. Although flirting is fine, do not make it appear like you invested lots of time into guaranteeing positive outcomes. By doing this, you can gain an advantage in no time.

      Conversely, if you are seen to be "losing power" in the relationship, then your woman will take the chance to disrespect you. As a result, her interest level with you will start to wane - and this is the beginning of a doomed relationship. Don't make the mistake of surrendering power to your woman!

      Technique Number Two: Control her mind. After you get the power for yourself, it would be high time to take total control of every situation with the use of mind control techniques.

      Masters in the underground seduction community are known to use mind control and hypnosis techniques to seduce women. Using very specific conversational tricks, they have been known to be able to "hack" into a woman's mind and make them fall in love quickly. This is achieved by using a wide selection of covert techniques which are surprisingly easy to use even for the beginner.

      One such technique is known as 'fractionation' and refers to a technique of hypnosis that makes use of techniques from the NLP field. Fractionation would definitely be the most effective mind control technique to date and is very easy and fast to use.

      In only 15 minutes, this technique can re-program female emotions to make the girl of your choice depend on you for positive emotions. Use this only with the utmost care, though, since it can turn girls into real stalkers when abused.


      • #4

        Have you always been in love with one woman, and like some unrequited loves, have never had this feeling reciprocated back to you? It can be frustrating to love someone from a distance, so you need to do something about it. You can make this woman fall in love with you without having to change essentially who you are. You may need to alter certain things that will serve for your own self-improvement and betterment, but at the end of the day, it's about taking that extra step for the woman you love.

        Get in touch with your sensitive side.

        Unfortunately for most men, a lot of them think that showing their more vulnerable and sensitive side is a sign of being gay. This certainly isn't true. Women like men who aren't afraid to show emotion and to tell the truth, rather than those that make them suffer through machismo and pretense. While this is something that is quite important, take this advice with a grain of salt-there IS such a thing as being overly sensitive. Learn how to manage your emotions and when and when not to show them.

        Listen to what she has to say.

        One of the many problems women have with men is that they don't seem to listen-like everything flies into one ear and quickly exits through the other. While isn't always the case, men need to step up and take extra measures to assure women that they are being listened to. Most of the problem comes with genetic differences, as men are programmed to think differently or be interested in other things, but of course, this is not an excuse to quickly zone out when the woman you like starts talking about shopping. If you learn to listen, you might even learn to "listen" to what she is REALLY saying non-verbally.

        Show some affection.

        One of the main things that differentiate men from women is the female's love for shows of affection. This can be clearly seen in female friendships where it is common to link arms, hold hands, or randomly hug your friend. For men, this may mean simple touches such as a pat on the back or a side hug for those who are just beginning to get to know each other, or full embraces or spontaneous kisses for those who are getting serious. By physically showing the woman that you love her, she will appreciate you more for showing what you feel.

