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Too shy or not interested?



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  • Too shy or not interested?

    Hi, (removed) To the guy I'm seeing, I said "looking forward to seeing you next" - planned for about two week's time and he said nothing - quite cold I think. When I don't mention the next meetup, he does - 5 times, I am just wondering whether this is something a shy person might do, or is the classic not interested? Thank you.
    Last edited by earthmonkey; 10-15-2018, 01:28 PM. Reason: Could have been identified by other person

  • #2
    I won't advice you back off, but don't be the one to initiate contact with him again. Let him be the one to initiate contact, and don't bring up the issue of seeing each other whenever he calls or text.


    • #3
      Have you noticed him to be a shy person? If yes, then he was shy. Otherwise, he perceived you to be too desperate for asking him that. However, don't back off but learn from your mistake by allowing him lead. Let him be the one to work to get you, and don't make yourself appear too cheap.


      • #4
        Thank you. So by just expressing that one feeling, I seem desperate or cheap? Not taken offence btw, Can't we just be genuine? I will take your advice though. I should be old enough to know better, but very inexperienced in dating. He is shy, but maybe I should back off a little too.


        • #5

          Honestly there are ways to tell if he is being shy or if he is just uninterested, sometimes men just don't know how to communicate their feelings and emotions properly, i saw a video on this recently actually and it kind of put everything in perspective for myself, if you want to see the video just shoot me a message and i can send it to you.

