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boy is being vague



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  • boy is being vague

    Hey people,

    I need some advice. I am seeing a boy now and we have met for 6 times now. I tried to kiss him two times but he ended it very quick. I have texted him if he sees me as a friend or as more and i got a really vague answer. He said that he sees me as a really good friend but if things become serious he doubts a lot so he finds it hard do answer that question.
    What should I do?

  • #2
    He isn't serous minded, and probably doesn't want a committed relationship. You might want to have a rethink about been with him.


    • #3
      I think he is shy. He might have feelings for you but too shy to express it. So, I will advice you observe him critically before jumping into conclusion about his vague answer.


      • #4

        Honestly us men can be so vague and not great with our emotions or our feelings and seem distant and cold, and there is a psychological reason as to why, i saw a video on this and why we are the way we are and it put a lot of things into perspective for myself personally. If you want to see the video shoot me a message and ill send it to you!

