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BF have ex GF issues



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  • BF have ex GF issues

    So I have been dating my BF for a year now and so far I do feel as though he is in love with me. We are in discussion to move in together- were also spending major holidays (Christmas) together.

    the issues right now is his ex.. he has an ex GF for his wife and she is the sweetest girl- she have two kids (Not my BF kids) and she is still so in love with my BF ( I’ve seen text messages from her).

    She would send him multiple long text messages about how much she love and care of him, she even made a video of her and her kids singing happy birthday song to my BF.... this was ok to me.

    my BF told me that he broke up with her because she have two kids already and he realizes he didn’t want to be with someone with kids already- I asked him if she didn’t have kids, would he be with her- he told me no. He said he’s not in love with her..

    Last night, he was in a Cider bar he usually go to, and she happens to be there. She was trying to sit and hang out with him- he was on the phone with me - he avoided her and had his food to go, then when she left he went back to the bar.. after he had his drink he was in his truck, he called me and talk to me, while we were on the phone she snuck up and said hi to him- what upset me was he hang up on me. He called me back after 5 mins (during this 5 mins, since I was reactive and mad- I told him I’m breaking up with him... I know lol.. I was angry..) . He called me immediately and told me that his ex was very angry and crying because he avoided her all night and that I should be understanding of him. He said he don’t love her but he felt bad because she loves him and he broke her heart. I’m not sure what to think, he said he can’t tell her yet that he’s dating even though he Introduce me to his friends, family and co workers as his GF.. but he won’t tell her because it will devastate her..

  • #2
    I see no reason why your boyfriend won't tell his ex that he's dating. If he's finding it difficult to tell her that he has a girlfriend, then he probably still have soft spot for her.


    • #3
      I find it difficult to believe your boyfriend doesn't love his ex. If he really doesn't love her, then he shouldn't hesitate to tell her he's dating. Also, what happened that night isn't enough reason to breakup with him. So, I'll advice you find a way to mend things with him.


      • #4

        Sky have a discussion, maybe a few discussions about this whole deal with him. Obviously whatever he is doing is giving this poor girl hope and that is way worse than telling her the truth. It's been a year now, time to nip this one in the bud.

