So there was a girl in my class that was really cute and I didn't get the chance to start a conversation so I just went for it. I went up to her as we were leaving class and just asked her if she'd want to hang out and she awkwardly said ok and then I asked for her number and she immediately gave it to me. The awkwardness was worrying at first but now thinking about it, who wouldn't act like that? So I followed advice from my friends and that day about 4-5 hours later I texted her "Hey, it's [my name] from [class]". It has been almost a day and no response. So where I am at right now is waiting for a response, expecting to not get one, after having done nothing but get her number. One friend says not to overly text her because she might be deciding whether or not to respond or what to say, but that shouldn't take a whole day. My other friend says text her again. In my opinion the first friend has more experience, but I don't really trust either of them. The first friend has yet to have even a remotely successful relationship and the second hasn't been in many and met his current girlfriend on a dating app. So what do I do from here?
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