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Meeting Women While They're Working: Approaching a Woman in Her Workplace



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  • Meeting Women While They're Working: Approaching a Woman in Her Workplace

    There is a woman who I really want to meet. Well, in a way I have already kind of met her.

    This is the deal. She works in a retail capacity (not a clothing store).

    I've only been to the store she works at a couple of times but the last two times she has helped me and we've carried on a short conversation and I feel a huge spark of energy/attraction when we are talking.

    The last time I was at the store she made mention that she had an "ex" and kind of signaled that she was single without really saying it flat out.

    So I wanted to get your opinion on how to get her number.

    First off, is approaching a woman at her workplace inappropriate? I really have no other idea on how I would talk to this girl outside of her work since that is the only time I have seen her.

    And since the store she works at is usually very busy I do not want start having a conversation with her and then try to pull her aside since I noticed that her supervisor is usually within a couple of feet from her and I don't want to maybe get her in trouble if she is seen fraternizing at work you know what I mean?

    Anyway man, any advice you could give me would be greatly appreciated and I want to say thank you in advance for your time and effort.

  • #2
    Hello Paul, absolutely, positively can meet a woman when she's working.

    Yours is a great question because approaching a woman in her workplace is something guys tend to worry about WAY more than is warranted.

    Sometimes we're concerned about getting her in trouble, other times we get the sneaking feeling that she's a "hired gun" and is therefore quite possibly just being "nice" and/or flirting with us for that reason.

    Here's my take on all of that.

    Interestingly, and perhaps contrary to conventional wisdom, if anything I've noticed that women sometimes suppress signs of attraction when at work rather than vice-versa.

    When you think about your concern for getting her in trouble this makes perfect sense, because some bosses (especially in retail or food service) really can be a bit heavy handed due to low-grade egotism, jealousy toward the attention you're giving the woman, etc.

    But the opposite scenario--where the woman is falsely projecting attraction--is a lot less common than most guys assume. In fact, it's rare.

    Only in very specific situations where flirting is inherently part of the decorum of the establishment do you really ever have to second-guess yourself here at all.

    But overall, I'm telling you...women are comfort-seeking creatures and they generally won't sacrifice personal dignity for a better tip.

    In the end, most guys use assumptions about "hired guns" as an excuse to--you guessed it--fail to deploy.

    In other words, they'll smile a little more, stick around in conversations a little longer and drop subtle hints like unto what you've noticed.

    Think about it this way. Why in the world would any woman feel compelled to indicate to you that she was single if she wasn't interested? There's no reason for it otherwise.

    Trust your instincts in these situations, and don't psych yourself out. Regardless of what you've been told, you can be every bit as intuitive as any woman if you allow yourself to be. Your gut feelings are just as reliable.

    So how do you get the heavy lifting done here?

    If you sense her nearby boss is a threat to the situation for either of you, simply get the attention of the woman you're interested in and ask her to help you with something in another corner of the store.

    If that appears to be unworkable because of the size of the establishment or because her boss "hovers", send her boss to the back to check on something for you or on some other distracting task. (Nice one, right?)

    Then you proceed as if there's precious little time to work with.

    This respects her no matter what, whether she's actually busy or not.

    Tell the woman you acknowledge that time is short, and you'd like to continue the conversation with her later. Tell her to give you her number, and tell her when you'll call her so she can have some idea of when to pick up the phone.

    When you see signs of attraction like you mentioned there is no need for games (as if there ever really is, right?)

    She likes you, so all she really needs to know is what to expect. That way you dramatically reduce your chances of getting her voicemail.

    From there, she's a red-blooded woman like every other (as she has been all along, right?) Sweep her off her feet.


    • #3
      The ability to approach women is one that the majority of men cannot do unless they're extremely talented and brave and don't mind making a fool of themselves time and again. Did you ever feel as if you knowing how to approach women would make the remainder of the dating game easy? If you've ever felt this way and have failed to learn how to approach women, then you're probably quite aggravated by all the hassles and rejection. However, you'll be glad to know that there are three tips that can help you in this process.

      Want To Be Busy Friday/Saturday Nights: Be Successful With Three How To Approach Women Tips

      Tip 1 - Be Where The Women Are

      If you want to know how to approach women, the first thing you need to know is where to go to actually meet them. You may already know that meeting women can be easier in some places than other ones. For instance: you shouldn't pick them up while they're working. You shouldn't pick them up in a grocery store or any place they might be in a hurry and wouldn't have time for a chat.

      If a woman catches your eye and you suspect you'll never get a second chance to meet her, then it's worth going ahead for... just to check out. However, boost your chances for a positive response by heading to places women tend to hang out and relax; places that they'd be willing to open and talk such as bookstores, coffee shops, clubs, etc.

      Tip 2 - Do The Walk Away Approach

      The majority of men (those who believe they know how to approach women) often make the mistake of saying hello into trying to get the woman's phone number within minutes. However, women are often leery of men like them since they come across as needy. Going this route does not allow you time to build up your social value. If you want to be remembered, remember to be brief in talking to her and then walk away to what you were doing before.

      You do two things when it's done this way:
      • First, it allows her to see that you're not needy; it'll make her wonder if you are actually interested in her. Her curiosity will be heightened, which can easily turn to interest.
      • Second, it gives you the opportunity to see how she responds to you and if you're even interested in her.

      Once you've talked to her and walked away, the second time you want to come up and talk to her, you'll be able to do so easily.

      Tip 3 - Take The Observation Approach

      Most men believe that a solid routine is what's going to win the ladies over but this is actually the wrong thing to do. Actually, the best thing to do is be natural, which means to use observational conversation starters to get people talking.

      It's not all that hard to do but the real issue is men have no real skill in this area and tend to stutter once they see their dream girl. It's imperative to test your skills out because it's hard to do so correctly under pressure. Instead of cracking under the pressure, consider practicing on everyday ordinary folks. This helps so that when you see the girl of your dreams, you can easily walk up to her and know what you're going to say without stuttering.

      You don't have need some fairy magic dust or magical spell to help you learn how to approach women. All you need is repeated practice and the above three steps to help you master the art of how to approach women.


      • #4

        Thanks for all your advice...

