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is porn the new sex?



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  • is porn the new sex?

    I’m 18, I’m living away from home, and I’ve started thinking about finding a serious boyfriend and having sex. But I’ve been reading articles that men these days are watching a lot more porn and having a lot less sex.

    I’m not a porn star. Is there really a sex drought? Is it getting tougher to get guys away from their screens and into bed??
    Last edited by hothannah; 11-22-2018, 12:41 PM.

  • #2
    where did you find that falsehood. men have watched porn since available, increased by technological availability. don't think you will ever find a guy that would rather watch than actively participate in sex.


    • #3
      The fact that most guys watch porn doesn't mean all guys watch porn. I'm a guy and I dislike watching porn. So, I'm sure there are other guys out there who doesn't watch porn.

      It's wrong to generalize that all guys watch porn. There are good guys out there, so find yourself a good one.


      • #4
        do girls not watch porn


        • #5

          We watch it. And some of us watch a lot of it. In fact, recent research has shown that women watch more porn than men do— at least when length is considered. Pornhub and their Pornhub Insights have long broken down interesting facts and trends about all things porn. One things that the research found, according to The Cut, is that women, on average, spend 1:14 more minutes a day on the site than male viewers. I usually watch with friends not alone.

