hello , i have a female coworker ( shes 23 beautiful 5'10 im 32 5'8 ) that im very attracted to , i dont know much about her personality but everytime i see her its like my heart starts racing , its never happened to me before . One night our shift ended later than usual and i ask her for a ride ( we live very close to eachother , 5 min of walking ) , she agreed and on our way home i was going to ask her out but she asked my why dont i drive , i told her that driving just isnt my thing , im an very active person , i walk 10km everyday + 2 hours of weighlifting , i took her question as a bad sign so i droped the ask her out plan .
I made up my mind that i should just mind my own business and not ask her out but another coworker that knows that i like her very much said that i should be discouraged about the driving thing and i should ask her out , i said no but said "dont worry i will do it for you" when she entered the room my coworker said "hey can you take JohnDoe with you on ur way home , hes too shy to ask" and she said "yes ofc , he can ask me anytime" , then my coworker said " see ? now you can ask her out for coffee " and she started giggling
On our way home we started talking about different things , she asked about my fasting program , how often do i eat , whats my schedule , stuff like that . I told her that the next day im gonna binge House of the Dragon and she said that game of thrones is her favorite tv show but she cant watch HoD because she doesnt have HBO go anymore . I was going to to tell her that i can give my account but in a couple of seconds we got at my place and i had to get out fast because there was alot of traffic
My cowoker said that i should ask her to come over at my place and watch HoD together because she most likely hinted that . Now the thing is that im the type that always looks for something serious , i cant handle these FWB situation , i tried it a couple of times and everytime i got attached to the woman and i had to back off because they didnt want something more .
My coworker said that she most likely is looking for a FWB thing because shes not the serious type , she shares her vape with other cowokers , she allows flirty behaviour from other cowokers like pulling her down from behind her head , slaping her upper leg part ( i think thigh its called ) , he said he saw her rest her head on a cowoker's shoulder , constant instagram /snapchat acitivity . I dont know if any of this is true because i dont work in the same department as her but this cowoker does and he doesnt lie
My coworker said that she is not relationship material , is he right ?
And before you say about company policy stuff , its not a problem in my country ( Romania) , many people date cowokers around here , actually its one of the main ways of finding your life partner
I made up my mind that i should just mind my own business and not ask her out but another coworker that knows that i like her very much said that i should be discouraged about the driving thing and i should ask her out , i said no but said "dont worry i will do it for you" when she entered the room my coworker said "hey can you take JohnDoe with you on ur way home , hes too shy to ask" and she said "yes ofc , he can ask me anytime" , then my coworker said " see ? now you can ask her out for coffee " and she started giggling
On our way home we started talking about different things , she asked about my fasting program , how often do i eat , whats my schedule , stuff like that . I told her that the next day im gonna binge House of the Dragon and she said that game of thrones is her favorite tv show but she cant watch HoD because she doesnt have HBO go anymore . I was going to to tell her that i can give my account but in a couple of seconds we got at my place and i had to get out fast because there was alot of traffic
My cowoker said that i should ask her to come over at my place and watch HoD together because she most likely hinted that . Now the thing is that im the type that always looks for something serious , i cant handle these FWB situation , i tried it a couple of times and everytime i got attached to the woman and i had to back off because they didnt want something more .
My coworker said that she most likely is looking for a FWB thing because shes not the serious type , she shares her vape with other cowokers , she allows flirty behaviour from other cowokers like pulling her down from behind her head , slaping her upper leg part ( i think thigh its called ) , he said he saw her rest her head on a cowoker's shoulder , constant instagram /snapchat acitivity . I dont know if any of this is true because i dont work in the same department as her but this cowoker does and he doesnt lie
My coworker said that she is not relationship material , is he right ?
And before you say about company policy stuff , its not a problem in my country ( Romania) , many people date cowokers around here , actually its one of the main ways of finding your life partner