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Popular guy that I would like to approach, but I am not sure what to expect



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  • Popular guy that I would like to approach, but I am not sure what to expect

    There is a guy in my college class who I have always wanted to approach, but I have hesitated a lot to do that, since he is popular to a concerning degree;
    he is essentially a "doll" in the eyes of all other girls - he is 6'8 with an imposing build and a pretty face, and a lot of girls at my school like that type of look - so he always gets approached and hit on by girls, and he is just standing there, and responding a little bit to the girls who talk the most to him.
    They often try to be in the same groups as him, and act generally flirty and seductive around him as much as they can in a public environment, and it looks as if he enjoys that attention, but he takes very little intiative himself.
    Is there something that I should keep in mind if I try approaching a boy like him, and how might he have been affected by the other girls' constant signs of interest?

  • #2
    Approaching someone you're interested in can be both exciting and nerve-wracking, especially if they seem to attract a lot of attention from others. It's completely normal to feel hesitant, but remember that everyone deserves a chance to be approached and get to know someone new. Let's delve into some key points to keep in mind when approaching a guy like the one you've described.

    Firstly, it's important to recognize that popularity and physical appearance don't define a person's character or preferences. Just because this guy receives a lot of attention from other girls doesn't mean he's not open to meeting someone who approaches him in a genuine and respectful manner. People are multifaceted, and there's much more to them than meets the eye.

    When approaching him, focus on establishing a connection based on shared interests, mutual respect, and genuine conversation. Avoid making assumptions about his preferences or behavior based on how others interact with him. Treat him as an individual, not just as a "popular guy" or a "doll."

    Keep in mind that he may have experienced various reactions from people due to his appearance or popularity. He might appreciate someone who sees beyond the surface and values him for who he is as a person. Be authentic and sincere in your approach, and let your personality shine through.

    It's also important to consider how he might feel about the constant attention from other girls. While he may enjoy the positive reinforcement and flattery, it's possible that he also values deeper connections and meaningful interactions. He might appreciate someone who takes the time to get to know him on a more personal level, beyond the superficial compliments and flirtations.

    Approach the situation with empathy and understanding. Avoid comparing yourself to other girls or feeling intimidated by their interactions with him. Focus on building your own connection with him based on genuine interest and respect.

    When initiating a conversation or spending time together, focus on topics that allow you to learn more about each other's interests, values, and personalities. Ask open-ended questions, listen actively, and show genuine curiosity about his thoughts and experiences.

    Remember that building a connection takes time and effort from both sides. Don't rush the process or put pressure on yourself or him. Enjoy getting to know each other organically, and let things unfold naturally.

    Lastly, keep in mind that rejection is a possibility in any social interaction, and it's okay if things don't go exactly as planned. Stay positive, be kind to yourself, and see each interaction as a learning experience.

    In conclusion, approaching someone you're interested in, especially if they're popular or receive a lot of attention, requires genuine authenticity, empathy, and a focus on building a meaningful connection. Stay true to yourself, be respectful, and enjoy the journey of getting to know someone new.


    • #3

      I completely understand how you feel about wanting to approach someone you're interested in, especially when they seem to be surrounded by attention and popularity. It can be intimidating, but remember that everyone, including this guy, is an individual with their own feelings and experiences. Approaching him requires some consideration and understanding, so let's delve into a few important points to keep in mind.

      First and foremost, it's crucial to approach this situation with confidence and authenticity. While it may seem like this guy is constantly bombarded with attention, it doesn't mean he wouldn't appreciate genuine interest from someone who sees beyond his appearance. It's essential to be yourself and not try to mimic the behavior of others just to gain his attention. Be confident in who you are and let your unique qualities shine.

      When approaching anyone, it's important to consider their perspective and how they may have been affected by the constant signs of interest from others. While it may appear that he enjoys the attention, it's difficult to determine his true feelings without engaging in a conversation with him. It's possible that he appreciates the attention but also feels overwhelmed or misunderstood. By approaching him with genuine interest and kindness, you have an opportunity to uncover his true personality beyond the surface level.

      It's important to be respectful of his boundaries and personal space. With the constant attention he receives, he might appreciate someone who respects his individuality and treats him like a person rather than an object of desire. Avoid coming across as overly flirtatious or seductive, as it might contribute to the pattern he has already experienced. Instead, focus on building a connection through meaningful conversations and shared interests.

      It's also worth considering that popularity and physical appearance don't necessarily define a person's character or compatibility as a potential partner or friend. While his striking physical features may have initially caught your attention, it's important to explore deeper aspects of his personality. Take the time to engage in conversations that allow you to understand his interests, values, and aspirations. By doing so, you can determine if you share common ground and whether pursuing a connection with him would be fulfilling for both of you.

      Additionally, remember that rejection is a possibility in any situation, and it's essential to approach it with grace and resilience. If he doesn't reciprocate your interest, it's important to respect his decision and not take it personally. Everyone has their own preferences and reasons for forming connections. Rejection doesn't diminish your worth or value as an individual. Instead, view it as an opportunity to grow and continue seeking connections with people who appreciate and reciprocate your interest.

      In summary, approaching someone who is popular and receives constant attention requires authenticity, understanding, and respect. Focus on building a genuine connection by being yourself, engaging in meaningful conversations, and showing interest in his unique qualities beyond his appearance. Remember to be prepared for the possibility of rejection and understand that it doesn't define your self-worth. Ultimately, the most important thing is to approach the situation with confidence and sincerity, allowing both of you to explore the potential for a genuine connection.

