I was texting the girl I liked and well... she said behind my back to other girls saying I was short sentenced like I can't keep a conversation going and that hurt me. You know... like I like her but it felt like I was just hit with a baseball bat as hard as someone could hit. It hurt. When I'm with my friends I'm usually the listener I'm never really involved with there convos. They usually talk to me when they want something. I still feel a little lost. Also the girl I liked said I was to shy to be around. Seriously though did she have to go there like I get I'm shy but I can't help it. Most girls I'm around I'm shy and like usual I'm just the listener. I guess I just wasn't meant for her. I really liked her though. I still like her. I hate it when the one time I let someone in she took me by the heart and chucked it as far as she could. I'm in 8 grade. Back in 6 grade I dated a girl who was shy to. Everything worked out we dated for awhile but she broke up with me. Then wanted to get back together with me. So we got back together. We did this like 8 or 9 times until it came to the point that she just played with me. She would say it was a dare sorry or I was kidding. I barely talked to girls in 7 grade. Everything went downhill from 6 grade. Very few people know about my past. It feels good to get it out though. So yea... the thing that really hit me though was back in sixth grade the girl who played with my heart told me I was to shy. Getting told that again really hit me. I mean I can't explain how hard that hit me. This whole year I've thought about it. The one time I let a girl in again she toys with me. And then supposively I spammed her phone like wth I never did. Well that was told to her friend again. I just hate it when others but in I'm tired of it like seriously. I only loom forward to 3 things everyday now... 1 family 2 sports and 3 alone time. I have a friend who gets super mad when I don't want to hang out. But yea I haven't texted that girl in like 2 weeks because of all this. She never texted me back so I guess she's happy now. Well it looks like I'm back In the same position from sixth grade. I hope you see this and could help me out thanks for taking the time to read this.
