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How to open up to women online that I am divorced and a father of two?



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  • How to open up to women online that I am divorced and a father of two?

    I’ve been divorced not too long and have two kids with me. It’s been a couple of years since then but I feel like I’m ready to get back into the game and find someone.

    I don’t think I have what it takes to find someone in person. I know that my age is beyond what women would find attractive. But a few of my friends convinced me to try online dating and while I was searching for some trusted and decent dating sites, I came across AFA

    I’m honestly rusty with everything. I absolutely don’t know what to do and how to approach a woman online. I feel as though there are many key points I should mention in my personal information page, but I’m lost.

    If I do match with a woman from abroad, I’m clueless as to how I can make a connection. How can I tell her about my past marriage and the fact that I’m a father of two children? I hear that younger women don’t find these things attractive. I’m nervous at the thought of never finding the right woman.

    I can easily say that having nobody to love you after a tough divorce is hard to deal with. I would like to open my doors again to love and maybe find a woman who’s truly the one for me.

    It’s been difficult these past few years of being a single father and with my age advancing. I try to keep an open mind and to stay positive. I just really need some help with all this. Any kind of advice and some tips will greatly boost my confidence. Thank you so much in advance!

  • #2
    You don't have to tell any woman online about your divorce or your children. It's best to do that when you meet the woman in real life, and don't do that on the first date either. You can do that on the third date with her.


    • #3
      You can find all classes of women in online dating sites. All you need to do is find a divorcee and you will have a fulfilled relationship with her.

