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How to impress her on our first date?



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  • How to impress her on our first date?

    Man, I’ve never been this excited. The woman I met on a dating site said “yes” when I asked her for a date. I’m smelling something awesome!
    But I’m not sure what to say or do since it will also be my first time to date. Don’t blame me, even if I’m 35 years old already, I haven’t experienced dating.
    So yeah, how do I impress her on our first date? Any suggestion? Please tell me!

  • #2
    We all know how important first impressions are, especially on a first date. I am sure many of you guys out there are eager to know how to impress a girl on first date? First impressions can determine a wide range of possibilities. It can potentially make or break your first night out with the girl of your dreams. This may sound cliché, but if you want to impress a girl on your first date, just be yourself and hope that she likes who you are. Aside from not being a pretentious fool, you may also want to be considerate towards her. Girls like the idea of a man who thinks of them just enough to plan something a little bit special for their night out.

    When picking up your date, make it a point to approach her front door to greet her. Let her know that gallantry is not dead and gone in this generation, and that there are still gentlemen left out there. Open the door of your car for her, and be courteous and polite. Although they might not show it often, girls love the attention and they like to be treated like a princess at times. Do not just honk the horn of your car when you arrive at her address and wait for her to come out. Furthermore, do not keep your date waiting. It is better that you wait for her instead, rather than her waiting for you. So if you want to impress her, arrive five minutes earlier or at least be on time. This act will tell her that you are serious in making this date work. If you are considerably late, then your night out may turn south eventually.

    Another way of impressing a girl on your first date is to bring her a gift or something special, like handpicked flowers you picked yourself, just do not pick them from her own garden. This kind of gesture, however small, will go a long way in your initial night out with her. Even a 21st century woman can appreciate a small gesture such as this. When planning a date, find something to do that you can both enjoy and have fun with. Usually, a first date consists of a delightful dinner in a nice restaurant followed by a movie or something similar. You can go with this typical first date activity, but keep in mind that a man who can think of something a bit more special and different on a first date will really impress a girl.

    A first date does not have to occur during the evening. If you want, you can take her on a picnic, with food that you packed yourself, for your first date. You can take her hiking or to an amusement park if you like. The point here is to find something to do on your first date that is quite memorable, because if this girl is the one you will end up with in the future, your first date should be one that is fun and memorable. So instead of asking yourself, how to impress a girl on first date?, you should be planning a date that will take her off her feet.


    • #3
      First date impressions are important and if you feel you're going to be with this person for a while and really want to make a good impression, impress her with a limo ride. Take her to your favorite tavern or hang out place, concert, the theater or restaurant in a luxurious limousine ride and this she will remember always.

      Not only will she remember and be impressed by a limousine on her first date with you, she will tell all her friends about what a great guy you are because you took out on her first date in a luxurious limousine. It's not about where you go it's about how you get there.

      Depending on which limousine company you choose to go with, there are different packages to select from, some which offer snacks such as wine and cheese where others will have just a basic package of the transportation itself.

      You should call around to different limousine companies to find the best price for your important first date. Even if you're taking your first date to dinner and a movie, pulling up in a limousine will impress her because you took the time to set it all up and you spent the money on her.

      If she lives in a dorm or an apartment building, you'll be the envy of all her friends, who will no doubt be looking out the window or doors because they want to see either you or what you're driving and when they see a limousine, they too will be impressed by what a savvy guy you are. If she lives at home you will no doubt score points with her family, especially her mom and/or sister's because they too would want to be picked up and limousine for a first date. And you would also score points with the father of the girl because he knows you are responsible enough not to drive yourself if you're going to a party and made arrangements for someone else to be your designated driver. This shows great responsibility and a romantic side if you chose a limousine as a designated driver.

      If you feel this is a romantic date, and picking her up in the limousine is somewhat romantic, you can call ahead and have flowers delivered to the limousine company or deliver your own flowers and have them waiting in the limousine for your date. That way when you pull up in the limousine to take her out, there will be flowers waiting for her as well as the surprise of the limousine.

      It is always a good idea to tip the driver at the end of the night when he drives you back to your car or back to the limo pickup place. Especially if you feel the limo driver has giving you good service.


      • #4
        I don't view a first date like any of this. For one thing, she needs to worry about impressing me as well. First dates should be simple low-cost dates, you have no idea what this person is really like. Flowers and gifts are only for when you become exclusive. Limos are for when you are engaged,...or wedding nights.


        • #5
          Talking about dating rules. Though he thinks that every relationship comes with different rules, there still are some that apply to everyone equally, some rules you should definitely put on a check list if you’re looking for the right kind of romance.


          • #6
            The "large" extensive dating suggestions at the beginning in the early part of the thread will never get you good results.

            1. Most women will think you are a whack job for trying all that on a first date
            2. Some women will use those actions as a "free" novelty to get "free stuff" and then laugh about it with friends afterwards about how the guy was such a stupid desperate doormat. She might do it two or three times at the most just for kicks and then will run from the guy after that.
            3. The original question asked by the OP is not real. It is a "Troll Post", or SPAM, or whatever label you want to put on it. The OP has never responded and probably never will, is most likely a fake account.


            • #7
              I dont know if its still needed, but anyway, i want to say my thought.
              I think first of all you need to just a good man, who like her. Just be a man.

