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I think this girl might not be interested in me?



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  • I think this girl might not be interested in me?

    I recentely met this beautiful girl I found through my father's instagram. She is an actress and model who has recently befriended my dad through the internet because she is auditioning for a role in a movie based on one of my dad's novels. When she noticed my follow request on instagram she followed me back and sent me a text. We started talking, but I think she eventually lost interest in me after a while. You can look at the snapshot and judge for yourself whether she is disinterested in me or not. Now, here's the thing. Judging from these texts would it be acceptable to send her another text and continue the conversation from two days ago, or should I just ignore it and like amd comment on her photos whenever it is necessary? I am posting this question bevause I want to refine my skills at attracting high-maintenance women and also because I would like to get to know this girl. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
    Your text between her doesn't show any attraction between you both. She was only curious to know you because she felt you might be connected to your dad and when she found out you are his son, then she knew she already has the information she needs. She just likes you as a person and not romantically, so don't expect too much from this relationship.

    I'll advice you keep her around as a friend and like and comment on her post when necessary.


    • #3
      Your text with her doesn't show she was attracted to you in anyway. It was purely a platonic conversation. So, I will suggest you keep it platonic.

