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why does she texts me with so much respect?



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  • why does she texts me with so much respect?

    I met this girl online through a video game, at first she wanted to send me nudes so that I give her an ingame item in return, so I thought that she might be a thot or catfish but I accepted the deal anyway. Then as time went on, she starts to talk to me really nicely, like she thinks highly of me and is concern/sadface about me quitting the game, although she gets easiliy offended if someone sexually harasses her, like one time someone said they wanted to cum inside her and she got mad and reported the guy that said that (i did nothing about it, i found it funny but kept to myself). As for me, I text to her in a very mature, respectful, gentleman-like way, as well as being very helpful such as giving advice to her for the game, do you think she's gotten attracted to me because I'm like this? I always thought that nice guys finish last lol, never would I thought that this would happen.

    what i thought strange about this is, she would dare to hand out nudes (maybe fake) for in game items to others but is easily offended by sexual remarks?

  • #2
    She might have probably fallen in love with you, not because you are nice but because you respect her.


    • #3
      It's true that most girls don't like nice guys, but no girl wants a guy that disrespect her either. So, keep being respectful and you will eventually win her.


      • #4
        Because every girl needs respect. If she is giving you respect so in return you also show her some respect by love,care and giving her time


        • #5
          even thots wants respect. big difference between sharing natural beauty and perverted commentary. surprised you think that this is unusual. she is chatting with you because you are treating her well and without disrespect. if she is not flirty accept that is only platonic friending only. she probably wants many friends to build popularity to become an influencer or senior status.


          • #6
            My sugestion is that you should make your friendship so strong that he supports you in everything.

