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What mistakes am I making in messages



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  • What mistakes am I making in messages

    Never gotten a date after six years, why?here's the convo:

    Hey, how’s your week going so far?

    It’s going alright. Will be better when it’s over lol. How about yours dear?

    Mines going fine, just switched jobs so it feels like it's going a little slower than normal. Maybe just the change in routine. So, what brings you to online dating?

    I’m just not looking to meet someone in a bar. And online you can usually see if you have common interests before even talking lol. What about you?

    I guess I can say I can meet alot more ppl I normally wouldn't get the chance too. It's like there's only a limited number of ppl you get to know from your friends and thru work. Did u grow up in Avon?

    I did not. I grew up in Brazil. Bought a house in Plainfield almost 2 years ago. Did you?

    No but I do have a cousin that lives in Avon I think. Brazil is close to terre haute isn't it? I grew up in northern Indiana and moved down here about six years ago. I still go up there every few months to visit family. Did you move there for work?

    Like half olhour away from terre haute. I moved to Plainfield for my ex for his work. But I also always wanted to live in Plainfield

    I'm not too far from bean blossom. At least I live close to Nashville so I'm not too far in the boonies. What type of industry do you do quality for?

    Automotive. Specifically Subaru

    I worked machining auto parts for Toyota for five years. Is there a Subaru plant in Indy? Ive only everI’m a Subaru supplier.

    In greencastle. But we supply parts to Lafayette I only work five days

    You're lucky then haha. That's the reason I left there was because I was tired of only getting one day off a month.what do you like to do on your days off?

    I like to hang out with friends. Netflix. Go out and explore Indy more. Try new foods. Pokémon go

    Hey how was your weekend?

  • #2
    The mistake you are making in your message is that you ask too much question, and so this makes your conversation boring. Your message is more like a job interview than an informal conversation. So, I will advice you make statement rather than ask question. For instance, instead of saying; did you move there for work? rather you should make a statement like this; No doubt you moved there for work. Making statement rather than asking question makes your conversation interesting.


    • #3
      Many people find online dating less intimidating and a more enjoyable method to get involved in the dating scene. It makes it easy to be specific in regards to the qualities preferred in a potential partner. Here are five tips to help those wishing to get started with online dating:

      Dating Profile

      Write an open and honest dating profile that showcases your best qualities. Just be yourself and include qualities you already possess, such as those related to being fun, attractive, and likable. Most people writing an online dating profile will find that being truthful with intellectual, emotional, and physical qualities can go a long way to help attract the attention of other like-minded candidates.

      Quality photos

      It might be tempting to upload any old picture to complete the profile and get it launched online. But, a low-quality profile picture that isn't clear is certain to be overlooked by many would-be candidates. Try to take two or three high-quality digital photos that match the size and resolution of the specific dating service. One of these can be used for the profile while the others are perfect to use when having private conversations with individuals on the site.

      Limit time

      It is easy to get addicted and spend a lot more time than planned on an online dating site. Rather than spend an excessive amount of time perusing the latest profiles, make sure to limit the daily usage to a certain time frame and stick with it.

      Gradual process

      Online dating is a more fun and enjoyable process if it moves alone gradually. At first, there will be an opportunity to interact with many different people from all walks of life. Send back a friendly response to other members that get in contact. Use this information to determine which members are the most appealing and able to catch the interest. Avoid giving out too much personal information in the early stages. There is no need to write out your entire life story. Usually, the short messages get the most favorable response. Lengthy messages are often seen as a turn off when first starting the communication process.

      Use Caution

      To increase the level of safety while using the online dating sites make sure to restrict contact to using the built-in message services provided on site, and avoid giving out too much personal information. Also, if planning to have a telephone conversation, it is generally preferable to use the cell phone number and not the home one.

