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how to do some work until tools insurance and training is in place



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  • how to do some work until tools insurance and training is in place


    was wondering how you could do some work for yourself and sort of run your own thing until you got training and insurance and tools in place.

    do plan to have a part time business which could be more of a side thing at some point but dont yet have insurance and all the training done and all the tools yet (at least bare minimum tools) and dont want to fully advertise and commit until all insurance and training is in place and at least bare minimum tools.

    how do you afford the insurance and other costs out of your bank account until you start to get enough work to more than cover your costs as dont have a lot of money and dont want to run short for the fortnights.

    a cousin has started a shed business and its reminding you how much you want to get yours up and running but dont as said have insurance yet and all the training and at least the minimum tools needed and am not quite ready yet as got to buy tools and do courses and thats all going to cost money and can only do so much at a time.

    how would you be able to do it all without rushing into anything until all thats in place, what would you do to do some work without training and insurance until youre actually ready.

    waiting until am ready to do the side thing to get work.

    would getting thrift store items or items off side of road or at garage sales and cleaning them up and mending them and re selling work, have some sales experience from old job with secondhand items and things are starting to look much better now that am out of hospitality
    Last edited by car10001; 03-17-2024, 08:33 AM.

  • #2
    Starting a side business can be an exciting and fulfilling venture, but it's essential to approach it strategically and responsibly, especially when it comes to issues like insurance, training, and acquiring necessary tools. I completely understand your eagerness to get your business up and running while also ensuring that you have all the essential elements in place.

    Let's break down your questions and concerns one by one.

    Starting Without Insurance, Training, and Tools

    It's crucial to acknowledge that starting a business without insurance, proper training, and the necessary tools can pose risks. Insurance provides protection in case of unforeseen events, training ensures you have the knowledge and skills to deliver quality services, and having the right tools is fundamental for efficiency and professionalism.

    Here are some steps you can take while waiting to have everything in place:

    1. Start Small and Informal
    Begin by offering your services informally to friends, family, or acquaintances. This can help you gain initial experience and feedback without the pressure of a formal business setup.

    2. Focus on Low-Risk Services
    Offer services that have minimal risk until you have insurance and proper training. For example, if you're in a service-based industry, start with tasks that don't pose significant liability concerns.

    3. Explore Thrift Store Items or Garage Sales
    Your idea of refurbishing and reselling thrift store items or those found at garage sales is excellent. It allows you to generate income while honing your skills and building your customer base.

    Affording Insurance and Other Costs

    It's understandable that financial constraints can be a hurdle when starting a business. Here are some strategies to manage costs effectively:

    1. Budgeting and Financial Planning
    Create a detailed budget that includes all your business expenses, including insurance, training courses, and tools. Prioritize these expenses based on their importance and allocate funds accordingly.

    2. Part-Time Job or Freelancing
    Consider taking on a part-time job or freelancing in your field to supplement your income. This can help cover initial business costs until your venture becomes more profitable.

    3. Seek Financial Assistance or Grants
    Explore options for small business loans, grants, or financial assistance programs that cater to entrepreneurs. Many organizations and government bodies offer support to start-ups.

    Planning for the Future

    While you're eager to get your business up and running, it's essential to approach it with a long-term mindset:

    1. Focus on Skill Development
    Invest time in acquiring the necessary skills and certifications. This not only enhances your expertise but also builds credibility with potential clients.

    2. Build a Network
    Network with industry professionals, mentors, and fellow entrepreneurs. Their insights and experiences can be invaluable as you grow your business.

    3. Monitor Market Trends
    Stay updated on market trends, customer preferences, and industry regulations. Adaptability and staying informed are key to long-term success.

    In conclusion, while it's tempting to dive headfirst into your business idea, taking a strategic and cautious approach will set you up for success in the long run. Start small, manage costs wisely, prioritize safety and professionalism, and continuously work on improving your skills and knowledge. With dedication and perseverance, you'll be well-prepared to turn your side business into a thriving enterprise.


    • #3
      Starting your own business, especially as a side project while you're still getting everything in place like training, insurance, and tools, is a great idea. It shows you're proactive and ambitious. Let's break down your concerns and explore some strategies to help you navigate this journey smoothly.

      Firstly, let's talk about the importance of having insurance and proper training. These are essential aspects of any business, as they protect you, your clients, and your assets. Without insurance, you could be putting yourself at risk of financial and legal liabilities. Similarly, having the right training ensures that you can deliver high-quality services or products, which is crucial for building a positive reputation and attracting customers.

      Now, the question arises: how do you afford insurance and other costs until your business starts generating enough income? This is a common challenge for many new entrepreneurs. One approach is to carefully budget and prioritize your expenses. Start by researching different insurance options to find one that fits your needs and budget. Look for affordable plans that provide adequate coverage for your business activities.

      Additionally, consider seeking out financial assistance or grants specifically designed for small businesses. Many government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and private companies offer support to entrepreneurs in the form of grants, loans, or mentorship programs. Take advantage of these resources to ease the financial burden during the initial stages of your business.

      Regarding tools and equipment, you can adopt a gradual approach. Identify the essential tools you need to start offering your services or products. Instead of buying everything at once, prioritize purchasing the most critical tools and gradually invest in additional equipment as your business grows. You can also explore options like renting or leasing equipment to save money in the short term.

      Now, let's discuss how you can start doing some work without formal training or insurance until you're fully ready. One possibility is to focus on tasks or services that don't require specialized training or pose significant risks. For example, if you have experience with secondhand items and sales, you could start by refurbishing thrift store finds or items from garage sales and reselling them. This allows you to leverage your existing skills and generate income while you continue to work on obtaining necessary training and insurance.

      It's crucial to be transparent with your clients about your current status and limitations. Clearly communicate that you are in the process of acquiring proper training and insurance, and outline the steps you're taking to ensure quality and safety. Building trust and managing expectations are key factors in establishing a successful business, even in its early stages.

      As you mentioned, waiting until you're fully prepared to officially launch your side business is a wise approach. Rushing into things without adequate preparation can lead to costly mistakes and setbacks. Use this time to research, plan, and gather the resources you need to set yourself up for long-term success.

      Remember, every successful business starts with careful planning, dedication, and a willingness to learn and adapt. Don't be discouraged by the initial challenges or setbacks. Stay focused on your goals, seek guidance from experienced professionals or mentors, and keep moving forward one step at a time.

      In conclusion, starting a part-time business while balancing the need for training, insurance, and tools requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. By budgeting effectively, exploring financial support options, focusing on manageable tasks, and maintaining open communication with clients, you can lay a solid foundation for your entrepreneurial journey. Stay patient, stay determined, and believe in your ability to turn your passion into a thriving business.


      • #4
        How do you afford insurance and tools and costs until you start getting enough jobs to cover costs of running the show, that’s the thing that am concerned about, need insurance but can’t afford it until getting enough regular jobs to cover costs


        • #5

          want to get a pa system for different uses and wondering where and how you could set up one if theres no parties or events where one may be needed.

          what could you do without taking on a event managers position as dont want to have to do that and also not in a position to take on a leadership position and probably wont be plus am not quite high enough up on a club committee to set one up.

          years ago there were a lot of family parties and pop had a pa system and had set it up but those days are gone, how would you find people to have nights where could you setup and use pa system and where could you do it.

          how would you setup pa systems as a service to people that hire them without fully advertising until you get insurance if you need it being that its a business, cant afford the costs out of bank account until business starts to get enough work and make enough to cover costs, same goes for certification.

          am catching up but still feel like am behind because of doing what past generations did and kept pushing on with old job until end or a little longer (staying too long) for financial reasons instead of doing what current generations do and just move on sooner.

          if anyone id able to please reply this post which provides a update to what am trying to do about some of the stuff that was asked itd be much appreciated


